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The next few days, 70 years worth of memories came back to me.

And it was so painful.

I felt all of the pure, and raw grief.

I found myself dragged from horrible nightmares, and I would trudge to Bucky's room, and open the door.

He wouldn't wake up. I'd just watch him for a little while. And once I knew his chest was falling up and down, it set me at ease and I left.

I didn't make interaction with anyone apart from Steve Bucky and Tony.

Tony was shocked I'd remembered without 'scientific assistance.'

I hadn't even seen these people- the avengers, Steve calls them. Apart from the one girl I met in the study.

I didn't really know what to do.

This was my life now, and I was confined to one floor.

I wanted to make friends. I wanted to meet new people.

I didn't want to be lonely. Because when I was left with myself- that's when I'd remember.

My death was gruesome. I think in some way I blamed myself for James' death, and I wanted to punish myself.

When I died, HYDRA tried to pick me up.

But S.H.I.E.L.D got there just in time, and Peggy carter held the bad guys off.

It turns out HYDRA didn't wipe my memories. They would've had to have machines for that. But, I just couldn't remember because my brain had blocked out all of the trauma.


Tony was having meetings with important people about me.

Let's not forget that a few days ago, I killed a man.
Now I may have done it in self defence.
And I may also remember a whole past life from the 1940s.

But I still can't remember how he ended up dead.

He was burnt.
I don't remember carrying a lighter. Maybe he was and I used it to set his clothes on fire or something.

Anyway- I was sort of a criminal for that.

Tony had avoided the law stuff because he was Tony Stark. He had as much influence as the president, if not more.

When I had a conversation with him that evening, he told me finally I could meet the avengers tomorrow.

He talked me through their backgrounds very quickly. Told me which ones didn't actually live here and just visited. Those only included-

Clint and Peter. The arrow guy and the spider boy. They had families- that explains it. But they still went on missions and helped out.

According to Steve- who I talked to later to get more background on them- Tony acted like a dad to Peter and would force him to visit at least 5 times a week.

Poor kid.

The people who did live here in the tower included-

Tony, Bucky and steve obviously.

Natasha- the girl I'd met in the study who honestly sounded like so much of a bad ass I was itching to talk to her.

Bruce who sounded like the sweetest person on earth- ironic considering what he turned into.

Thor. Some himbo god who used to be a prince then a king of some literal planet.

Loki. His brother. Who tried to take over the world- and killed a bunch of people because of his daddy issues-
Honestly, same.

Wanda. Wanda had these cool telekinesis powers- which didn't even surprise me considering I've had lectures on Asgard and this weird quantum realm thing. Her brother died not long ago fighting. But apparently she's the strongest kid Steve's ever met.
She sounds like someone I wanted to befriend.

Sam. He was a good friend of Bucky's. He was 'bird man'. He had wings. Bucky calls him 'sassy'

And lastly

Scott. Honestly I want to meet this guy. He turns into a tic tac.

When my lecture was over I got some sleep. I figured I'd need to be raring to go tomorrow. Meeting people is socially draining anyway- not to mention 9 of them.


I was running through a hallway. It smelt of smoke- every inhale made me cough. My chest was heavy, I had a stitch in my side.
Behind me I could feel heat radiating. A loud, rumbling sound was following me, getting louder and louder to the point where it was deafening if I didn't move quickly.

I could see Bucky at the end of the hallway. He was screaming but all I heard was ringing in my ears. All of a sudden, I stopped, and I was fixed to the spot. I couldn't move, I couldn't breath. I was just staring at him as the heat got excruciating and I started to scream silently-


I jolted upright, and caught my breath. I checked behind me to see nothing but dark wall, and felt my back to feel it cold and sweaty.

The time read 2:16am.

A nightmare. Different one this time.

I stood up. Feeling my bare feet against the cold carpet. The contact made me shiver, and I debated just lying in my bed. But I knew I would fall asleep, and I was scared of the dream taking me again.

I padded down the hallway, my eyes crusty and blurry, half closed and fluttering.

Just as i went to open Bucky's door, it opened quickly before me, making me flinch and stumble back as I tried desperately to regain my senses.

A figure came up to me straight away as I hit the wall, and in close proximity I realised it was Bucky. He was wearing a tank top and sweatpants. He looked like he'd been awake for some time previously.

He put a flesh hand on my shoulder, warm and comforting. I calmed my breathing down when I realised what it meant.

You're still alive

I sighed and rubbed a palm across my face as he removed his hand from my shoulder.

"Yes, y/n, I'm still alive." He reassured.

So I said that out loud.

I chuckled breathily, in relief and pondering stupidity of my own actions.

I flung my arms around his shoulders, not caring about his freezing cold metal arm. I needed the reassurance he wasn't just a figment of my imagination.

The nightmares, they seem so real.

"I get them too." He mumbled into the crook of my neck.

And I sighed.

Back with another chapter :)) this is my favourite so far and I'm really excited to be able to ease the story into normal- or as close to it as it can be- life with the avengers.

Hope your enjoying it !!

Lauren :))

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