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I slipped on something plain and casual I found in my huge walk-in wardrobe. Some blue baggy jeans and another sweatshirt- this one grey. I popped on a necklace I found- it was gold and it had just a small line heart attached to the end of it. I thought it was pretty.

My first mission would be to find James Barnes. I could ask F.R.I.D.A.Y, but I reckon dad will look at the history and realise I've been asking a load of questions- I just don't want him to know.


I spent half an hour wondering the halls and corridors and rooms, bumping into no one. I noticed that about 20 floors, from the top of the building down, were all the same. All like mine.

Many people visited Stark Tower for business and things but, 20 bedrooms?
So things were just getting weirder.

I wandered through deserted corridor after deserted corridor, before I heard voices drifting from a room at the end of one.

I carefully walked closer to them, making my footsteps as light as possible as not to be heard and when the voices were loud outside some double glass doors, I hid around the corner listening.

I did feel like a little bit of an eavesdrop. But hey, I lived here. Whatever went down under this roof that was anyone else's business was also my business.

I pressed an ear to the cold plaster of the corridor wall-
"I know all of you don't know her. But we do. We've told you all we can about what happened, and Bucky and I have agreed not to see her purposefully. If you happen to bump into her, you know how to act. So are we all on the same page?" The voice, sounding awfully a lot like the one I'd heard earlier, was followed by many others, choruses of 'Yeah' and 'Sure'.
Most sounded like men's and some women's.

"Okay." The familiar mans voice said again that had just clicked in my mind to be Steve.

"Thank you guys. You're making it a lot easier for us." He said, his voice stepping down from that commanding tone and sounding more tentative.

Who was us?

Steve and 'Bucky'? Whoever that even was. I added it to the growing list of names in my head.

Who was the mysterious 'her' Steve was referring to. I didn't want to jump to conclusions and immediately think it was me. But I had a strong inkling.

I heard footsteps and voices, they were coming out of the living room. I darted my eyes around quickly to look down this corridor and I realised I wouldn't have enough time to get around the next corner. I ran up to a door and hesitated a little, listening to the voices getting closer.

Here goes nothing, I thought to myself as I opened the door and slipped in. I was facing the door and had my back to whatever was in the dark room. Until I heard them go past, sighing in relief, and I turned towards the room.

The lights turned on and what I saw equally shocked and confused me. Tens of little desks scattered the room, a couple with brown folders lying on them.

There were TV's all dotted on the walls and strings of computer screens, 3 on top of every one of the tables.

I walked over to one, listening for more sound and picking up a file carefully, like it might explode if I moved it too quickly.

The first page was a picture of a man. He had short brown hair, a little stubble on his dirty face. He was smiling widely, blood crusty in his ear. I furrowed my brows. My eyes started to rove down the page to where the name of the man and information sat.
"Can I help you?" A voice sounded out from close behind me and I dropped the file on the table quickly, swivelling round.

She had bright red hair, curly and was wearing a pale red t shirt, a black leather jacket and black trousers.

"Uh- hi. The uh- the door was open." I stammered. I bet she was one of the voices in the room.

"No it wasn't." She said and I froze a little.

The door. It was open. So she's joking me?

"Well uh. Im sorry." I said and hurried out. She looked after me but didn't stop me as I practically ran down the corridor and back to my room.

I found myself wanting to meet anyone who could be in the tower at this precise moment in time. I wanted to talk to them; see why they were here, and also to gain Information.

Anyone of them could know who James Barnes was. By the looks of Tony and Steve, they definitely knew something.

It was at that moment I remembered Tony had said something about a phone being set up for me, and I headed to my room where I predicted it would be.

Sure enough, the device was sitting where I hadn't noticed it before on top of some Chester drawers. I set a password, and sat down on my bed, pulling up google and getting to work.

I typed shakily 'James Barnes' and waited anxiously for the results to appear. I clicked the first link that came up without reading it, and it's heading stood in bold at the top of the page


I didn't bother to read the rest of the page before I flicked to google maps and typed a route in frantically.

By car, the blue line told me it was roughly 4 and a half hours from here.

How the hell was I going to get there?

Do I try and sneak there by train, or tell Tony I wanted a trip to Washington DC? I chewed at my nails while I deliberated.

I flicked back to the site and read down. It talked about 'captain America' and 'the howling commandos' and finally James Barnes. It says Captain America and him were best friends.....in the 1900s.

It says captain America got frozen in ice by good guys, and his friend by baddies.

Frozen in ice?

What like......preserved?
Why would they be....

My brain hurt from all the thinking, and I found myself growing ever tireder. So, somewhat reluctantly I decided to sleep. Then tomorrow- I would visit the Smithsonian.

Ugh I'm sorry about spelling mistakes, I'm uploading this right before I leave for school because I haven't updated this story in so long.
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