𝓽𝓱𝓮 𝓶𝓲𝓼𝓼𝓲𝓸𝓷

374 11 1

As i lowered into the dark cave, i began to hear screams. When I touched down on the wet floor, Tony, Steve and Clint froze.

The scream was guttural and chesty, it made a shiver skitter down my spine.

I left the rope hanging against the rock, and before we went any further, Tony ( who was not in iron man armour yet ) handed me a gun.

"Tony. You know I don't know how to use one of these." I told him, apologetically.

"I know. Use it for intimidation." I began to understand that was a wise idea.

Clint showed me how to hold it so that it looked like I did know what I was doing, and told me it was all about the poker face. He did show me extremely quickly how to load to shoot- but didn't fire it incase of giving our whereabouts away.

Then he drew his bow, and we edged into the cave.

It smelt damp and musky. In between screams there were dripping sounds, and drops landing on my head.

Clint would check around corners, then once he gave us the go ahead we would run. As fast as we could with the rocks and the slippy surface.

By now tony was wearing his armour.

We waited for the signal then ran, over and over again for what must've been half an hour.

Then the shooting began.

We didn't know where it was coming from at first. There were bullets flying everywhere and no person seen to be behind it.

We ran with Steve's shield deflecting them, before men were in front of us. With huge guns. The boys went to work fighting them, keeping the attention off me, and while they were fighting the waves and waves of men- i wandered off.

The cave got narrower and narrower, and I drew my gun from the belt I had found on the ship. I held it down in two hands while I walked, and didn't even notice that the screaming had stopped.

The rocks eventually narrowed out so that it was just a boulder wide. There was two in-front of me, with a gap in between.

I looked behind me, and could still hear them fighting, so while I knew it was extremely dangerous, I squeezed through the hole.

When I came out the other side with a groan, I landed on wooden planked floors. The passageway was lit with small lanterns, sat in holes carved into the wood.

This was getting real sketchy.

I carried on down this corridor, my gun out in front of me. With no sound apart from my own heavy breathing.

I got to a huge open metal door, and I was practically running through it by now. Getting impatient. I'd left him there for long enough already. And If the screams were his.....

I shuddered again, running through countless open doors. I knew. I just knew that it was a trap. They wanted me to walk right in- probably so they could kill me too. But he was still my husband in a way.

I came to a stop at a locked metal door, and I thought all hope was lost without the boys, until it opened for me.

The first thing my eyes settled themselves on was the pale, bloody and dirty looking Bucky, hanging his head, strapped down to a chair.

He lifted it, but before we could make eye contact- I was slapped to the floor.

The figure that had done it was laughing.

"I'm sorry. I just can't help it. When someone walks so willingly into the trap." He said in an American accent.

I stood up, and aimed my gun at his face.

"Whoahhhhhhh." He laughed again, and I stole a glance towards Bucky- who shook his head very slightly. He looked so beaten up.

"Okay sweetheart why don't we put down the gun." He held his arms out, laughing.

"Don't. Call me. sweetheart." I said through gritted teeth, loading the gun with a click, how I saw Clint do it.

But no matter what I did he just kept laughing.

"Your girl's feisty." He looked at Bucky.

"Shut. Up." I slapped him hard, and backed away, realising the extent of what I had done.

Then he pulled out a handgun, hidden in his jacket, and aimed it straight at Bucky's head.

My grip around my own gun tightened, and just then steve, Tony and Clint ran in. I looked once then snapped my gaze straight back to the man.

"You shoot." He loaded his gun. "I shoot."

There was silence as I pondered what to do. I racked my brain fast. I needed to think quick.
I could tell that the boys behind me were trying to do the same.

Just then, on comms.

"Y/n. Move." Bruce said quietly, and I stepped back at the exact moment that there was a huge bang, and a huge hole in the north section of the wall was broken out.

While the man was stunned, Steve took it as an opportunity to throw his shield, and he knocked the gun straight out of his hand.

He then started to fight, and Tony and Clint joined in, as I saw hulk for the first time, breaking away remaining rock, and behind him a passageway lay dusty and quiet.

I ran over to Bucky, dropping my gun, and working quickly to try and get him out. The straps were solid metal, and I just pried them off.

His eyes widened as I simply strained and pulled the metal off his arms and legs. I took in his face- it was full of cuts and bruises and he quickly closed his mouth when I realised it was full of blood.

I helped him stand up, looking at the boys still fighting.

"Can you run?" I asked him sternly, and he didn't say anything.

"Go." Steve commanded, so I just wrapped an arm around Bucky's shoulder, and herded him towards the hole.

Hulk stayed in the room.

I pulled him down the corridor, to resistance.

"Come on." Tears were falling at my eyes as I pulled him with all of my might.

"James." I cried, and he stopped and looked at me, at my tear stained dusty face. My nose streaked with a little blood from where I had been violently slapped.

"Please." I asked him, and after a moment of silence, he started to shuffle forward. I sighed hard and looked behind us. No one coming. We were running slowly now, down the corridor, and I was relieved to see light at the end.

When we got outside we all but collapsed, and I  remember Nat and Wanda running to us.

I breathed in the air, and sighed again.

Before Bucky began to cough up blood.

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