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A week later

"Most of you know what i have called this meeting for." Tony started, standing in the middle of the lounge.

I crossed my arms, waiting.

Tony looked at me slyly.

"I have called this meeting because as of now I would like to officially make y/n Rogers an avenger." My jaw dropped.

"If you accept." He added. I couldn't speak, I felt too overwhelmed. Why are they choosing me? I had nothing good going for me, I couldn't fight.

I stammered. I couldn't really believe this was actually happening. I was fully ready to wake up from a dream. It was a huge honour.

"Yeah. Yes. Of course I accept. Wow."

"Okay." He said. Everyone was smiling at me. Bucky wasn't here. He was recovering. And he still hadn't spoken a word, or asked for me.

Steve came up to me and patted me on the back, as I shook my head in surprise.

"Well done sis." He muttered in my ear, making me smile wide and move up to Tony.

"Thank you. For the opportunity. I love you all and I've only known you like a month and I am..................absolutely terrible at speeches." I laughed at myself and the rest of them did too.

"Welcome to the team." Tony concluded and I shook his hand, making the others start to clap. The rest of the day was spent talking about training arrangements, and what it actually meant to be an avenger. We called Nick fury to let him know.

I was to begin training the day after the next. To give me some time before I go head first into it all and it's go go go.


No Bucky. I was starting to get angry with every day that passed he didn't speak to me. He spoke to Steve- but not me.

I thought that maybe I would start to forget about him, but it was the opposite. He was always on my mind, I was always thinking about what I could've possibly done to offend him. Every single moment I was left to myself, I would think about it.

I was more pissed at him now than anything. I know he had been kidnapped. I'm not trying to play down how horrendous that was. I just don't understand why he's going completely cold turkey on me. I don't deserve it.

After us all being gone for so long, now we are back together we should be spending time with each-other. And the last time I was uttering a word to Bucky was because i was saving his life. The last word he uttered to me, was weeks ago and Steve still offered no explanation.


Training started with success. I got started with basic hand to hand combat, which I was already a little skilled in, courtesy of saving Steve from all those street fights. And the rest, I was picking up fast. The knives and the guns would come later in the week. And what made me frown was that the knifes were Bucky's skill to teach.

So he was all healed up now- according to Tony; good to know even he had contact. I was glad he was okay though. Even if I was losing my shit about him.


After a few days of heavy training and meetings- Saturday finally rolled around. Initiation day.

It sounds pretty scary when you say it out loud, and really it was. Getting up on a stage infront of all those press and members of the public. People watching you on TV too. It's not everyday that a new avenger joins the squad- so it was the talk of the town.

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