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Today was the day

Tony had make sure Clint and Peter were in, so I could meet the whole 'squad.'

While I was getting ready in my room, obsessing over wether the outfit I chose was right- first impressions and all that- there was a knock at my door.

"Yeah, come in I'll be ready in a second." I called, until the door opened and Bucky emerged.

"Oh. I'm sorry- I thought you were Tony." I chuckled, and he smiled at me.

"I just wanted to know if you were still feeling....uh" He held up both thumbs and dropped them awkwardly. "Good."

"Yeah," I nodded my head. "Yeah I'm ready."

"Okay. Um...forewarning, loki can be very, very miserable. He's uh- hard to please." He chuckled as he moved towards the door, and then turned around abruptly.

"Y/n, ugh. You look really nice." He smiled, and I returned, before he realised he was lingering and quickly left, shutting the door behind him with a nod.

I stared in the mirror.

Well that was one hell of self confidence boost.

For now, I blocked any thoughts of Bucky and my romantic attachment to him out of my head. I would think about that later. It was too confusing. I didn't know what I wanted yet.

I need to sort myself out first.


When I entered the room, it fell silent and there was a moment where the team just stared. Some had their mouths open a little.

Well this was awkward.

Can the ground just swallow me? Someone.. Tony... Steve.... Say something.

"Hi." Okay so I was left to speak. My voice caught a little and I cleared my throat. Steve looked at me reassuringly and smiled. That calmed me down.

"I'm y/n. As you all uh...know." The silence that followed was literally gut wrenching.

"okay this is very awkward." I broke the ice and all of a sudden people were laughing, and moving around and coming up to me, and talking.

I inwardly sighed so hard.

Steve and Bucky were by my side as I was Introduced to everyone.

They were mostly quite quiet. Scott was funny from the moment I met him. Natasha just had a sense of calmness about her. Just like an aura of 'im not bothered.'

She gave me a hug and whispered in my ear.

"We're gonna make fun of the guys together, okay?" And I laughed when she pulled back.

"100%." As people looked and cocked their heads, wondering.

Wanda gave me a hug too, while everyone resorted to handshakes or pats on the shoulder.

"Hey, y/n. I'm Wanda. I'm guessing Nat was talking to you about plaguing the boys. Apart from the avengerly stuff, yes, that is all we do. And you should feel obligated to help out. It's hilarious." She said.

The fun they had while also saving the world sounded exhilarating. They were all family. I knew it was going to take time for me to fit in.

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