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When Bucky walked in, nothing in my brain clicked. I don't really know what I was expecting. Nothing was a total fix.

He didn't look familiar, but he looked familiar. I can't explain it except from he aired a feeling of calm. Safeness.

But that was stupid, I'd only known him all of 2 seconds.

Well- I keep forgetting. I'd known him a lot longer than that.

When he walked in he didn't have the reaction Steve did. He seemed to keep his cool, and that made me feel so at ease. It felt normal, like it should be anyway.

"Hey y/n." He started.

"You settling in?" He asked, to which I knew my disapproval could be seen on my face.

"Sorry," he changed the subject. "Listen you don't have to have anything to do with me and Steve. You can get a place in New York if you want- you could leave the country." As Bucky talked of me leaving, Steve stiffened and his face dropped. I could almost see the heartbreak etched there.

"No." I quickly darted out- before I let myself think for a minute.
These guys- they're the only thing I have left.

I don't know anyone in the city. I don't have any family around that I know of. It said in the museum I was on orphan anyway- and it's not like some estranged aunt would take me in when I'd reappeared as the same age outwardly 70 years later.

So- no.

I only had them.

"No." I repeated. "I only- have you. I don't know anyone else." I sounded a bit pathetic. But it was sure exactly what they wanted to hear, because they both relaxed immensely.

I looked down at my lap, picking at bits of fluff from my trousers. Waiting for someone to say something- just anything.

"Y/n you want the whole story. And- I think it's only fair to you we give you it. But...... you went through things. Things you might not want to remember." Bucky said.

"No. Just tell me."

And they did.
Here's the rundown. The full story that took them over 2 hours to properly explain condensed.

I was born y/n Rogers on the 21st August 1919.
My parents- our parents are dead. Died when I was 13.
I fell in love with James Buchanan Barnes.
We started dating when I was 19.
There was a three year age gap.
My brother turned into captain America. And wasn't at home much anymore.
I was alone.
Bucky died.
I went searching for his body. Nearly perished of pneumonia in the cold.
He left his dog tags on the dining room table.
And I took them.
And I killed myself.

Something snapped in my head and at once
Everything became real.
My whole life came back to me.
I remembered.

"We went to the Stark expo. Steve met that doctor. We went dancing." Bucky and Steve were shocked as the pieces came back to me.

"You took me to the beach and we watched the sun go down and the stars come out. You told me you loved me for the first time." I carried on, feeling overwhelmed. Tears were pooling at everyone's eyes.

"We all went to the fair. Steve won me a cute little rabbit. He was sick on the carousel. Who throws up on a carousel?" I laughed, and then my expression became somber- and the tears started to fall down my cheeks.

"I remember the call I got from Steve. You kept saying 'he's gone' over and over again." I was crying hard now. "I didn't believe you. I'd saw you just that morning. You'd told me you loved me just that morning." I couldn't carry on and Bucky and Steve came closer.

Them Bucky hugged me.
I stiffened a little- and he pulled back immediately- awaiting a scolding.

But i just hugged him back.
And we stayed like that.

I'm very sorry I haven't been updating this. I got major writers block on it and truly I got a bit bored. But I'll see how it goes for now :) see if I can get back into it
Lauren x

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