𝓣𝓱𝓮 𝓲𝓷𝓬𝓲𝓭𝓮𝓷𝓽

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It had only been a week after I met the avengers before the incident.

I was sitting down, reading a book- 'the great gatsby' if you must know. I wasn't really enjoying it, I thought it was boring really, when I heard a scream come from somewhere in the building.

I didn't waste a second before I was sprinting down the corridors.

I know it could've been a prank, maybe someone was snuck up on or something- but I had such a terrible feeling that was making me shake.

I met Steve running too, halfway down one of the corridors.

"Training room." He said, and i headed there, Just as fast as him.

As i was keeping up with him he was staring at me im disbelief. I mean, I was always a fast runner.

Once again, I didn't have time to think about it as I rounded the corner to the training room to see half the team there already and my suspicions were confirmed.

Wanda was on the floor, not moving, and Loki was shaking her, trying to get her to respond.

"What's happening?" I said frantically, as I moved to loki to help him.

"We don't know." Tony replied, seeming ist as agitated, and I put my ear to her mouth.

I listened for a while, and my stomach dropped while I heard nothing.

But then, a breath. Making me sigh heavily in relief.

"She's breathing." I declared, and the room whole room sighed.

"Did you check her pulse?" I asked loki. "Was there anyone In here with her when it happened?" I then asked everyone, and they shook their heads.

"So she was alone." Thor spoke.

"Okay. Any signs of forced entry? Footprints, anything amiss? Ask F.R.I.D.A.Y for surveillance footage." I rambled, while checking her pulse.

Tony stood dumbfounded.

"Tony." I snapped him back to reality and he left the room, gesturing to the rest of the team- until they all followed him reluctantly.

Loki was staring at me, and I averted his gaze quickly, waiting for Wanda to come around.


Something moved in the room, and I swivelled round-

Then I blacked out. And I can't remember anything else.



"Reindeer games?" Tony was asking me furiously.

"I can't explain it. Listen, you won't believe me." I tried to reason with him.

"Tell me. Now." Steve was up close and in my face, and I quickly got up away from him and leant against the wall in the corner of the room.

"There was. The thud. The same guy that had attacked Wanda. And then she, had her hands pointing out, like this." I demonstrated.

"But that's exactly what Wanda-" Nat cut in and I held out a finger, making her stop.

"She held her hands up and red light shot out of them. Red light absolutely identical to Wandas. It just came out of nowhere, and she thrusted her hand forward, sending this ball flying into him, killing him cold." I explained, and there was silence.

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