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They stood there after my question and would look at each other then back to me again.

Steve still looked to be in shock as well as in silent deliberation with my father. I resisted the urge to clench my fists, but i really was getting angry being left here in the dark.

Steve finally broke the silence that had been stretching around us for what seemed like decades.

"Nothing. Nothing's happening." He said, his face showing no hint of emotion. "I made a mistake. I'm sorry." And with that bit of rushed speech he left the room, before coming back in and handing the dog tags to Tony, then abruptly leaving again, all the while making no eye contact with me.

I guess I interpreted something wrong. I guess I have nothing to worry about. He made a mistake- nothing's going to happen, nothing did happen.

This thought process went on for a while- trying to convince myself that what just happened wasn't weird as hell and no one was keeping secrets from me.

But something out of the ordinary- they never answered my question. Who is James Barnes. I'd hoped Steve would be of help when he came in with the dog tags but he left without even hinting anything. Tony just seemed to sweat and shake whenever I asked him.

So I'd find him on my own.


After Tony brought me some food and I ate eagerly- he told me I could move back to my bedroom higher up in the tower now that I was feeling sunnier.

I agreed and he took me up through the elevators, my feet feeling a little shaky and my balance a little off.

We mostly travelled through deserted corridors and I saw no sign of any other life and no sign of Steve. I wondered why he was visiting.

When we got to my room, I nodded and looked around. It was pretty plain apart from some posters and pictures on the wall and fairy lights on the headboard of my king sized bed. The opposite wall to the door was a huge window, looking out into the heart of New York City. I moved closer to it and rested my hand on the glass, staring at the sky high buildings and the faint glow of sunset that had casted around the streets.

I smiled in front of the glass and turned around to Tony.

"So. Bathrooms through there." He pointed to a door opposite my bed and I nodded.
"I know." I just said and he nodded too, turning towards the door and going for the handle.

"Hey you uh- remember J.A.R.V.I.S right?" He questioned, no tone to his voice.
I just racked my brain and found pieces.

J.A.R.V.I.S. The AI. The assistant.

I nodded and my father carried on.
"Well uh- he.........broke. So we have F.R.I.D.A.Y. She's the same she'll sort you out, anything you need she'll help. Okay? Capiche? Good." He said uncomfortably fast and left the room quickly, smiling, almost slamming the door.

Weird. I thought to myself.
But he's always been that way. The ideas said.

I sat down on my bed and stared around at me. It felt off. Something felt weird. Something didn't feel the same. Something's changed.

My brain whirred as I tried to figure out exactly what I thought was different but it came up short. Of course it was going to feel different- I hadn't been here in months. I didn't even know what day it was- let alone things like how old I even was; had my birthday been in my coma?

I felt so stupid asking an AI for basic information about myself- as If she'd know more about me than I know about me.

"F.R.I.D.A.Y. I can't believe I'm asking this but.......when's my birthday and how old am I?" I asked the question to the empty room, and I saw a little blue ring light up on the wall opposite by the door to the bathroom.

"Nice to meet you Miss.....?" I realised she was asking a question and i immediately fired back.
"Stark." With a smile.
"Miss Stark. You are currently 23 years of age and your birthday is 20th August nineteen sevente- sorry- nineteen ninety-eight. The current day is May 3rd 2021." The glitch set me on edge. What was she going to say.. 1917? I'd have to talk to Tony about it, tell him to check the systems for a malfunction.

I leaned back on my bed, staring at the ceiling and sighing.
"Thank you F.R.I.D.A.Y."


I was already bored in my room. There was a TV but I felt like I had to get out and make up for the time I'd lost. I decided I'd have a shower- then I'd explore. I couldn't go for a walk in the city because night was falling but I could wander round the many many floors of Stark Tower.

I hopped in the bathroom and turned it on- shedding my beige tracksuit bottoms and burgundy sweatshirt.

The warm water hammered at my back and I leaned my head against the cold tiles, feeling the contrast.

So I'm back
and I'm awake.

She's going to exploreeeee.
I hope you're liking it so farrr < 3

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