Chapter 2

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Dream's POV

They're here.

Tubbo's POV

It has been 5 days since we locked away Dream away, people have been talking about seeing a monster around the outskirts of the Dream SMP. I was at home with Michael, we were playing upstairs, I was trying to get Michael  to speak more English. I heard a crash from outside the house, I knew it wasn't Ranboo because he was going to see Techno.

I grabbed Michael to hid him in our little cellar we made in cases of emergency's like this one, I was on my way when I heard a screech from inside the house by the entrance. I bolted to to cellar, locking and closing the door trying to keep Michael quite. I caught a glimpse at the monster before I closed the door-it was at least 9ft tall, pitch black with claws, it looked like it had a melting face, 4 arms and there were chains around its feet and wrists. I have never seen something like that before on this SMP. 

I heard the scraping on the floors, heavy steps were coming closer to the cellar. I didn't hear anything for a few seconds, before I could let a shaky breath out the hidden cellar door was ripped off it's hinges. A creepy, raspy voice spoke. "Found you" A smile made its way up onto the melting face. It grabbed both me and Michael, the last thing I heard before I blacked out was my son's screams.

Dream's POV

Their here, I felt there presence arrive a day ago, Raven told me about the accident. I know they have taken Tubbo, Michael too, I would've stopped the but I am stuck in here best I can do now is hope Sam listens to me. I waved to the camera trying to get his attention, over the microphone I heard him, "What do you want Dream?" "Whatever you do, don't go chasing after it. I know it has someone. BUT DO NOT LET ANYONE GET CLOSE TO IT" "What are you talking about Dream? No one is in danger sine we have you in here." I heard the intercom shut off. "NO NO NO SAM LISTEN TO ME YOU HAVE TO TRUST ME YOU GUYS! YOU GUYS CAN'T DEFEAT IT, PLEASE SAM LISTEN TO ME!!!" There was no response, 20 minutes and there was still no response, they are all going to die. It will kill them, there was buzzing, lava stopped. Sam was on the opposite side of the lava. He was holding some weapons and clothing, "I will let you out to help get Tubbo back, you have to make a deal with me, that you won't try to run away as soon as I let you out." "Deal." He sent the platform over, I jumped on it, staggering as it moved suddenly back towards Sam.

I changed into a cleaner version of what I had on. Sam gave me my axe back, wearily but, he did it. I walked with Sam outside the prison, half the SMP was here 1)to probably keep me from escaping 2)Get Tubbo back. "Let's go." I didn't even stop, just kept walking towards the forest. I could hear the footsteps behind me, we walked for 30 minutes before I stopped, I sense the monster about 100 feet from here. I heard a screech from that direction. "You guy's climb to the top of that hill, I will give a signal when you should come in and grab Tubbo, I will try to keep it busy while you do that." I started to adjust my bandages on my arms. "There is no way we re going to leave you here alone, you might run away!" Quackity yelled. "Shut up, he made a promise and he doesn't break his promise's" Sam said. "Where did you come from?!" Quackity said in a shout but not shout voice. "I just got here...' Sam tossed me a new mask. "Here you go." 

I watch them walk off up the hill, I am getting ready to face the Artificial Dreamon, I have faced off with 3 of these in my lifetime. 2 I have killed, one got away. I was walking towards the screeching, I found the opening, I hid behind a bush to watch what was going on. "Tell me where Nightmare is." Ugh it's voice is as creepy as always. I heard Tubbo crying and sniffling, peaking out I watch him cradle Michael in his arms tightly. "I-I-I don-do-nt know who nightmare is!" I watch as the Dreamon grab Michael from  Tubbo's arms. "TELL ME OR ELSE I HURT THE PIG...I smell dog" 

It look over at me, using it's chain, throwing it in the bush, wrapping around my leg pulling me out of the bush into the open, throwing me across the ground. I stood up staring straight into its black teared eyes. "Nightmare" It smiled looking at me insane, Tubbo behind look terrified. I noticed that Michael was being held up in it's hand. "What's with the get up Nightmare, show your true colors." I gripped my axe standing up. "Like I would need to, your so weak that I don't even need to open my eyes." It tightened it's grip on Michael, along with it's chain. "Let's go Nightmare."

I lunged at it, trying to get it to back off of Tubbo. It threw a chain at me, it wrapped around my arm, playing tug of war with the Dreamon, I whipped it back against a tree, Michael was in an off hand, I made sure to avoid hurting him. It pulled on the same chain with more power throwing me up into the air, landing back on the ground rolling out of the way to avoid the claws. I saw my hoodie slowly changing to a black color. I am running out of time.

I made a quick attack at the Dreamon, making it use its arm to block the attack. I cut off his arm but didn't avoid the 2nd arm punching me in my gut. There was a dirt cloud surrounding us, no one could see us. I ran out of time, watching my sweatshirt turn black, pants following, as well as my mask. As the dirt was settling, I could feel everyone stare at me. The Dreamon quivered. "What are you scared of little old me" I said, my axe was back in my inventory.

 "What are you scared of little old me" I said, my axe was back in my inventory

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(He did this gesture to the Dreamon, also what he looks like)

As soon as it saw my form, it ran heading towards the ocean. I glanced at the SMP members who looked at me horrified. "I'll be right back." My voice was dark and sinister, turning, taking my axe back out, I walked in the direction the Dreamon ran off into.


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