Chapter 26

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9 Hours till Blood Moon

As Night and Zarya approached the land the moon started to peak over the horizon. "Night! We are heading into Lossluory! Our magic is going to be cut off-!" Right on time Night and Zarya plummeted through the air, in less then a minute Night and Zarya landed in a shore like area. "What is Lossluory known for again?" Night asked as he stared into the foggy abyss in front of them. "Land of the loss.." Zarya said as she walked forward with her swords out ready to attack. Night followed with his axe in hand, looking back at the foggy sea before heading into the fog. 

"The moon shouldn't be able to reach us under all this smoke." Zarya said after entering the the foggy forest, Night made a grunt so she knows he heard what she said. There was a slight breeze that rustled the trees, the branches creaked and clattered against the wind. Night and Zarya were walking in silence for 20 minutes before they heard a twig snap behind them. Night and Zarya got into defensive positions then turning towards the sound.

Silence consumed the area

Slowly Night and Zarya walked backwards 10 feet, an arrow was shot between their heads grazing Night's cheek. "Run!" Night whispered yelled at Zarya grabbing her forearm as he took off running. Behind them 4 figures came out of hiding and split into pairs of 2 following behind the 2 criminals, slowly hunting them down like humans do to animals. 

Night and Zarya ran as fast as their legs could take them. Slowing down to catch their breath "Do you think it was them?" Zarya was bent over trying to find her breath, "Most likely. I think they are hunting us so we should split up and meet on the other side that way we can keep them busy and it will be more fair." Night said with heavy breaths, Zarya gave Night a small punch to the shoulder "If you die I am bringing you back to kick your ass." Zarya ran off in one direction leaving Night by himself giving a small chuckle at Zarya's quip. Night walked the opposite direction of Zarya. 

8 Hours till Blood Moon

Night's POV

I was walking off trying to avoid the low branches of the dead trees and trying not to trip over rocks and roots. It has been about 10 minutes since I split up with Zarya. I hear something from behind me...Footsteps, 2 people, average...Flame and Goggles followed me. I started to smirk, if they think they can sneak up on me like cowards they got another thing coming. Let's get back to basics.

I sneaked off the main path I was on and chopped down some weak vines that were hanging off a rock wall, I grabbed a few rocks; easy to carry but heavy enough to do damage. I grabbed a few sticks that were dry and stubby. I could hear their footsteps more clearly now they were about 20-25 feet away from me, I have no more time I have to do it now. I climbed up a tree as quietly as I could trying to not disturb the branches so they won't give away my spot. I could hear them whispering, I crouched down on my branch to try and hear better. 

"Where did he go?" "I don't know, keep your eyes open he might be near us" I had dropped a pebble from my branch making a quiet thud. "He wouldn't give up his position like that, it's a trap." Flames whispered yelled "He's that way!!" Goggles responded as he started to walk in the opposite direction of my tree. Now it's time to follow them until they hit the dead end up ahead where I found my supplies. The only reason I know where all of these places are is because I have been here before, it was when I was travelling with Zarya one of our first missions after prison. Tough times walking through here without a guide or map.

I carefully followed the two, I came up behind Goggles with the vines. I wrapped them around his neck silencing any noise he made to try and warn Flame, I felt him struggle for a few seconds before he stopped moving. I placed him down on the ground and felt his pulse, low but still there. He was only unconscious, I just need to slow them down not kill 'em. I tied his hands and covered his mouth with the vines. Flames was calling for Goggles. "Goggles! Goggles?" He was coming in my direction, I used the fog to hide myself once again. I crouched down and moved around him while staying low, I stepped on a twig making it snap.

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