Chapter 10

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14 years ago...

7 year old Dream and Raven were running around the woods. They heard shouting in the direction of the village, turning back to see what all the commotion was about. Guards from the kingdom were at the town square telling a new law the King made. Dream despised the kingdom after his father called him the bastard child and was disowned from the royal family. Dream's father was the king's brother and Dream had a brother-the golden boy-no one has talked to Dream since the incident.

Guards were yelling , trying to calm the crowd of commoners. After quieting down the crowd, a strange man in black with chains around his waist and black hair stood up on a pedestal. "The King has decreed that all children from ages 10-14 shall attended private school where they will be taught to fight and become knights! People leaving tomorrow shall receive letters later tonight!" The man in black finished, there were yells of protest at the idea of children being pawns for the Kingdom.

Raven and Dream were worried for each other. Later that evening groups of children were rounded up, weeping parents filled the streets as children were removed from homes. Dream and Raven watched as the village fell apart at this new act, from this point Dream and Raven knew they needed to do something about it but, what could a pair of 7 year old's do against an army?

3 years later...

Dream and Raven packed up their supplies, it was time for them to go to school. Every year children came back traumatized, they spoke of nothing that happened at the school...only one person ever spoke about it, he died the next day. Rumors were spread that children became test subjects, people got killed everyday in there and no one would spoke of the evil on the other side. Dream and Raven made a promise to each other that no matter what, they would have each others back.

Guards came and grabbed the new group of children, parents stopped shedding tears for the kids. Everyone changed after that act was announced...parents couldn't look into the eyes of the young so, children grew up faster, became more independent. There was a transport waiting for them at the edge of town. Raven never looked back, Dream did...only for a second before realizing the reality-no one was there, everyone gave up on hope.

About a day's travel. That's how long it took for them to get to the school. Raven and Dream didn't speak to anyone and no one spoke to them. Arriving at the school people were sorted into groups. The 3 groups were Born, Living and Death. Dream and Raven were sorted into Born along with a bunch of other 10 year old's. A man in a white tux told the Born group to follow them, he lead them to a dorm. The man assigned a group of 4 to a room that they would share for the 5 years they would be here.

Dream and Raven shared a room with two other boys. "Hello I am Dream and this is Raven. Who are you?" "Jack and he's Kyle. I guess we are stuck together for the next 5 years.." "I guess so." That morning started a friendship like no other, the world would not be ready for what that group of 4 would bring. Later that day during lunch the 4 kids walked into the cafeteria, this is where they met the opposites or evils of the Dream SMP members.

Techno was more relaxed and hated fighting, Tubbo and Tommy's personality's are switched, Quackity is more evil and likes to make deals with everyone. Nikki is more out going and loud, she is very aggressive. George is a real bitch and is the popular stereotype in movies, Sapnap is more quiet and hates violence, Bad=Good and swears a lot very rude if you don't know him. Wilbur is alive and like Ghostbur because Alivebur was insane and you know boom boom. Skeppy is very affectionate to Good and is patient with Good, Phil is just more evil and has a bigger blood lust still very protective of his "children". Punz is very selfish and only does things for his own gain, Karl is serious and doesn't enjoy take things as jokes, Eret is an eviler version and protective of the LGTBQ community. Sam is an eviler version as well.

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