Chapter 18

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BOOM BITCH I AM BACK!!! Hope you all will have a wonderful mother's day! 






3rd Person's POV

"Hey Dream...What happened to the discs I gave you on your birthday before you left?" 

Disc poked his head through the opening, Dream tensed and kept his eyes on the road ahead. Bee and Disc looked at each other communicating silently. "I left them in my house in the SMP world I think..." Dream's answer lacked the confidence and sounded apologetic almost "I don't think I will be finding them anytime soon Disc...sorry." Dreams voice sounded regretful, Disc moved upfront with Dream and Bee. "It's alright...we can find them sometime in the future" Disc was wearing a sad smile, he doesn't believe Dream but won't push the subject.

In the back of the wagon Quackity, Tubbo and Techno were looking at Tommy surprised. Tommy seemed to sink into his seat more, Magician looked confused at the 4. "Hey Dream can we stop for a minute?! I think we should stretch our legs!" Dream pulled the reins to a stop, Disc and Bee dragged Dream off the bench and pulled him into a little field. Magician pushed everyone out of the wagon "Ok what happened to those disc's? Don't you dare lie to me." Tubbo let out a heavy sigh as he watched Tommy fold his arms, he then began to explain the wars quickly and what the big mess the disc's created. Magician stood there, a straight face before silencing Tubbo was a wave of his hand. "Ok...Tommy explain how you got those disc's in the first place. Now. No lying, just the truth" 

Tommy didn't speak he looked down and kicked a pebble on the ground. "Tommy! How the hell did you get those stupid disc's!" Techno was losing his cool, if all this was true and Dream was trying to get back something stolen from him in the first place and then lost everything because a CHILD. "I borrowed  them when I was 14,"

3 years ago...

Dream came back from hunting, he was walking through the SMP when Tommy came running along "Hey Dream! Can I borrow your disc 'Wait'?" Tommy asked "Umm...I don't think-" Dream was cut off "Please! Just for today!" Dream looked wearily at Tommy "s-sure but just for a day..." Tommy ran and grabbed all 3 of Dream's disc's, Dream dropped his food and ran after Tommy "Tommy! Give me them back!" It was meant to be a prank...right? Tommy ran towards Phil and Wilbur "Tommy why are you running!" Phil asked "I am running from Dream!" Tommy said out of breath, Dream arrived seconds later "Dream why are you chasing Tommy?" Wilbur asked getting protective over his brother. "Tommy stole my disc's and I want them back." Dream said pointing at Tommy's hands "Tommy did you steal Dream's disc's?" Phil asked with a dad voice "NO! He started to chase me after seeing them. He said he wanted them for himself" Dream looked hurt, not that you could see it behind his mask "WHAT! I did no-" "Dream I suggest you stay away from my brother and his disc's if we are to remain without any problems." Wilbur said in a threatening tone. Dream watched as the 3 stormed off to L'Manberg. "I'm sorry Disc..."

The group was quiet as Tommy told the story "You are a selfish, stupid child." "I'M NOT A CHI-" "YOU ARE TOMMY! Ahem, you are Tommy you made a stupid childish choice that destroyed a community. You made everyone side with you and Dream went to prison for over a year because of the lie you told." Techno scolded Tommy, he left to find Dream and the boys. "Tommy...he was a brother to me, I turned against my brother for you-" Tubbo wanted to cry his voice was wavered and his eyes had tears lining the brim "He's still a bad guy Tubbo. He did terrible things." "That is true but it started because of a lie you told. I am not going to hold that against you but you should apologize to Dream." His voice was and angry demanding one.

Magician looked like he was about to speak but Techno came back with Dream and the boys. Dream had a flower crown and so did Bee, Disc was in the midst of another crown for Techno. "We ready to get back on the road?" Dream asked in a cheerful voice "Magician smiled "Of course we should be able to get there without any more stops." "Hey can I sit up front with Dream for the rest of the ride?" Techno crouched down to the boys height, Disc placed the crown on his head "Sure" he leaned closer and whispered into his ear "try to get him to sleep for the rest of the way" Disc backed up and grabbed Bee pulling him into the back. 

Dream and Techno moved up front, Dream started the wagon and drove for 5 minutes before Techno grabbed the reins. Techno whispered to Dream "When was the last time you had a good night sleep?" Dream looked over at Techno with wide eyes, the curtain was closed so the front and back section was separated "Few months...I think, I am fine I get sleep." Dream whispered back "Just rest I will guide the horses the rest of the way." Dream let out an aggravated sigh, he knew it was impossible to argue with Techno. Dream put his head on Techno's shoulder, Techno put his cloak and wrapped his arm around Dream. Dream was lulled into a slumber in the pink haired males embrace.

30 minutes passed before the group arrived at the village, Techno shook Dream awake. "We are here." Dream gave a tired nod before rubbing his eyes with his hands and sitting up, he looked around and showed Techno where to park. Dream and Techno helped everyone get out of the back, Dream lead the way to an old tavern. Inside was a Russian man with a scarred face and a Russian women with a warming face, both caught sight of Dream and approached the group.

«Виктор! Елена, так приятно видеть тебя снова. Я вернулся из своего небольшого отпуска и подумал, что пора зайти и поздороваться!»("Victor! Elena, so nice to see you again. I got back from my little vacation and thought it was time to stop by and say hello!")Dream spoke in Russian surprising the SMP members.«Мечта, добро пожаловать обратно. Я вижу, ты привел с собой друзей, это твой парень?» ("Dream, welcome back. I see you have brought friends with you, is this your boyfriend?")Elena responded in Russian.«Еще нет, он не спросил. В любом случае, я здесь, чтобы поздороваться и получить от вас некоторую информацию. Вы не знаете, где я могу найти проклятую книжку с перьями?»("Not yet, he hasn't asked. Anyway I am here to say hello and get some information off of you. Do you know where I can find the cursed book pen quill thing?") Dream said, moving to a table in the tavern.«Нет, спросите Виктора, он ушел в заднюю комнату. Я могу посмотреть, как вы, друзья, не волнуйтесь»("No you should ask Victor, he went to the back room. I can watch you friends here don't worry")Elena responded with a little smirk

"Спасибо, Елена!"("Thank you Elena!") Dream rushed off to somewhere in the tavern.

"Hello there boy's welcome to my establishment may I get you anything?" This was no longer the sweet women that was talking, her tone was dark and threatening. Her eyes studied everyone of them in the group watching their response and body movements, her eyes stayed on Techno the most. "Do you have green tea?" Techno stared back at the women in a rivalry "Of course, please give me a moment."  She went behind the counter and started to boil water "I forgot to introduce myself...I am Elena, my husband Victor is in the back talking to Dream. It's very nice to meet you." Her smile showed happiness while her eyes told a different story, one that could be read by all. 

Danger :)

I'm putting Russian translations for you-be happy. Enjoy your weekend.

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