Chapter 23

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This is just a festival chapter, very nice and fun filler. Relax they will be nothing special in this chapter...nothing special. I am also going to try out some singing with these songs so tell me if you like it (It's going to be in a few chapters).

3rd Person's POV

Everyone was busy for the next few hours setting up the finishing touches for the festival. Night and Zarya were heading towards the docks around noon, patiently waiting for the arrival of Peter Jones and his crew. They saw a ship slowly come into port with a black flag with a skull and bone symbol "They're here!!" Zarya started to shake Night back and forth. The ship pulled into port and Zarya ran to the dock, jumping on the ship. Night was still at the top of the stairs before he heard happy shouts from the ship. Walking towards the happy cheers Night sees Zarya rough housing with the pirates, well more specifically Peter Jones. 

"You two are back! How long have you guy's been back!" Night shrugged and fist bumped Peter "Week or two, you coming to the festival today?" There were cheers all around, Peter and Zarya were the first to walk off the ship Night was behind them. The crew was finishing stuff on the deck so they didn't come straight away. Entering the village around 1 the trio realized the village was packed with foreigners. "Wow this is a lot more popular then 3 years ago.." Zarya said surprised as she stared in awe at the flooded streets. "Yeah your village is one of the most popular festivals around this time...I came here every year to check if you two were back yet." Zarya and Peter walked off on their own while Night went to one of the food stands.

It was an 4 hour into the festival and Night was keeping to himself walking around and taking in the whole scenery. Techno noticed Night walking all alone and decided to sneak up and surprise him, slowly Techno approached Night when he was watching one of the villagers preform some fire tricks with magic. Techno snuck his arm around Nights waist making him flinch but relaxed after he realized who it was "I couldn't happen to notice someone was a little lonely, so being the gentleman I am I had to come help him out" Night laughed before walking with Techno to the next little performance.  

The couple-sorry, Techno and Night walked around the festival for a little longer before Night dragged Techno away from the crowds onto a little trail. "Where are we going?" Techno asked somewhat confused "You'll see" The trail was short maybe 15 minutes, they arrived at a little lake that had steam coming out of it "You won't find these in the SMP, its a natural hot spring" Techno looked at Night like he was insane once he took off his belt and hoodie. "Let's go in, we have a great view of the stars from in there." Night took off his boots and pants leaving him in his underwear. Night was already in the spring once Techno processed the information. Techno stripped off his clothing and joined Night in the spring.

20 minutes go bye and Techno is holding Night on his lap, Night was playing with Techno's hands while relaxing into his chest, Techno was buried in Night's shoulder enjoying the vanilla scent the male gave off. "Stars are coming out.." Night said softly, Techno kissed Night's cheek before looking up through the gap between the trees. Night turned around so he was face to face with Techno, Night kissed Techno and moved his hands up to his hair. Techno moved his hands to Night's waist as he reciprocated the kiss eagerly, Techno and Night moved their heads to connect at different angles deepening the kiss. Slowly Techno's hands moved downwards, bring down Night's underwear slightly. Techno was moving down Night's neck making some reddish spots appear-"NIGHT! WHERE ARE YOU??!!" 

Disc and Bee were shouting trying to find Night. Night chuckled and moved away from Techno, Techno pouted "Don't pout. We needed to get back soon anyway" Night pulled Techno out of the water where they redressed and walked back to the festival. Disc and Bee were 3 minutes away from the hot spring so they met up on the way. "You and Zarya should sing for the festival!" Disc said "I don't kno-wahh" Disc and Bee pulled Night towards the stage where Zarya just so happened to be. "They get you too?" was all Zarya said and Night nodded defeatedly. It took some forceful pushing to get them up on the stage, even Techno had to push them up.

(Bold=Zarya, Underline/Bold=Both, Underline=Night)

I hardly think I'm qualified
To come across all sanctified
I just don't cut it with the cherubim

(Tulio, what are you talking about?)
Oww!There again they're on their knees
Being worshipped is a breeze
Which rather suits us in the interim

The interim, the interim
That's me and them
Oh my god

It's tough to be a god
Tread where mortals have not trod
Be deified when really you're a sham
Be an object of devotion
Be the subject of psalms

It's a rather touching notion
All those prayers and those salaams
And who am I to bridle
If I'm forced to be an idol?
If they say that I'm a god
That's what I am!

What's more if we don't comply
With the locals' wishes, I
I can see us being sacrificed or stuffed

You have a point
That's very good thinking

So let's be gods, the perks are great!
Yeah, El Dorado on our plate (thank you)
Local feeling should not be rebuffed

Never rebuffed
A-never rebuff a local feeling
No, my friend!

It's tough to be a god
But if you get the peoples' nod
Count your blessings
Keep 'em sweet
That's our advice
It's great advice
Be a symbol of perfection
Be a legend
Be a cult
Take their praise, take the collection
As the multitudes exalt

Don a supernatural habit
We'd be crazy not to grab it!
You got it!
So sign up two new gods for paradise

After Night and Zarya finished there was applause from the foreigners. Zarya and Night exited the stage and Night immediately turned into jelly, falling to the ground "I can fight wars but singing in front of a live audience will never be ok with me" Zarya was scolding Peter and Magician for throwing her up on stage. Techno, Bee and Disc attempted to bring Night back to life. The rest of the day was more walking and it was almost midnight so many people went to the inn or stayed in their tents outside of the village. Night, Techno, Zarya, Bee and Disc all went back to the house. Bee and Disc slept with Night and Techno again in the bedroom because they asked nicely and Night can't say no to them. 

I got two more chapters for you because I worked on this story backwards...How was it?

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