Chapter 24

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I almost cried making this chapter...You will understand

The next day after the festival the pirates had to leave. Everyone was sad to see them go but needed to get back to work. They had 2 days left until the blood moon, they were rushing to finish gathering the last supplies for the spell. Zarya and Nightmare had to go visit an old friend in order to get the Dragon's blood. it would be quicker if they went alone and traveled by magic, the opposites and SMP members would watch from the head quarters like they did when Zarya and Night made their big entrance. Speaking of which...

"The kingdom has been awfully quiet since we came back. Do you think they are planning anything?" Zarya asked as she drank some water. Currently Nightmare and Zarya were almost 3/4 of the way to their destination and were taking a quick break. "I don't know but whatever it is they aren't in our business so let's be thankful and keep moving" Zarya and Night rolled their eyes at King's sarcasm and continued on their journey. 

~With the SMP Members~

The SMP members were in their little sitting stage watching the opposites work. "How is this going to get us the rock!" Tommy asked the opposites "Well, when the blood red moon is at it's peak these ingredients should combine and create the crystal rock. Then we throw it through the portal and it should close forever." Redstone replied as he continued to tinker with some old scraps. "Who are they even visiting?" Quackity whispered to George who shrugged. "Almost there." Night said through the coms. Everyone watched the screen as they approached a ruined castle "Think he knows we are here?" They heard Night asked through the coms "Probably" Zarya responded. 

~Back to Night and Zarya~

Night and Zarya watched as the gates creaked open letting them enter the grounds, wearily they walked towards the castle watching their surroundings. They got to the front entrance and right as Zarya was about to knock the door opened revealing a man in a tux. "He's been expecting you" the man stepped aside letting the two rouges enter. "Right this way" the man walked gracefully across the halls to a dining room. On the table was a feast of food with 2 extra places set, at the head on the other side was a man with horns. "Such a pleasure to see my best customers again. Please sit, we have much to discuss" His dirty grin haunts the memory's of many. 

Night grinned a wicked smile "Schlatt! How long has it been old friend!?" Night was quite happy to see the old broker alive and well. "Very well, man you look old now...and Zarya as beautiful as ever~" Zarya help a playful smirk "Flattery will get you no where though it is much appreciated." Schlatt motioned for Night and Zarya to sit with him, happily they obliged. Night and Zarya mad their way down to their designated spots. "Now I know you two didn't come by for a visit to an old friend so...let's talk business, what can I help you with?" Zarya gave a pitiful smile 'We need Dragon's blood, one vial so we wanted to trade the enchanted quill and book for a vial." 

Schlatt held out his hand and Zarya handed him the book and quill. Carfully he examined the book "I will take it." Night gave a breath of relief when Schlatt motioned for for his butler to leave and grab the vial. "Now that we are done with business let's eat, I'm sure your starving." Zarya and Night placed the napkins in their laps and grabbed some food. Schlatt had a sad smile painted on his face as he watched the two grab some food. "I heard from a little birdie that you will be leaving...for good this time." Schlatt interrupted the silence, Night froze "Um...Yeah. We are leaving for good...I-I have been planning on taking the team with me and putting them in their own little space so I don't leave them..." Night stuttered when he talked.

Zarya stood up "I will give you two some privacy." Zarya left, leaving a fidgeting Night and sad Schlatt "Walk with me." Schlatt stood up and walked through a different door in the castle. Night following behind. "Were you planning on telling me?" Night shook his head keeping it low and towards the ground. "I-I-I d-did-didn't I can-can't I w-want" Night was starting to break down in front of the man. Schlatt hugged Night falling to the floor with him "Shh...Let it out. Breath" 

Night shook his head "I-I am fine." Schlatt grabbed Nights arm as he tried to stand up "You are not fine! You look like your about to break in half...Kid...Just tell me the truth." Schatt was begging at this point it broke his heart to see his son like this "N-no...your going to hate me." Night was closing up again "I could never hate you." Schatt pulled Night back into his embrace. Night was crying into Schlatt's shoulder, holding onto his arm for dear life. "I-I s-screwed up. I didn't-I didn't want this...I didn't mean for any of this to happen." 

Night kept crying and Schlatt held him, Night let down his guard and showed what he felt. Night stood up for a second before grabbing one of his knives and throwing it at a wall then another and another all why shouting "How could they be so stupid! I got blamed for it all! I was the villain! I didn't ask to be the villain! I lost everything because of their selfish ways...I hate them...I hate myself for letting them use me." Night fell back to his knees and threw his last knife weakly at the wall, tears were flowing down his face. "How could i be so stupid..." Night whispered to himself. Schlatt hugged Night again, Night didn't fight back he felt numb.

He stopped crying and just let him self relax in his father's embrace. "Tell me what happened." Night opened his teary eyes and talked about everything, Schlatt stayed quiet and held onto Night. "I'm sorry...I'm sorry I wasn't there to protect you." Schlatt was angry but he kept his composure, Night kept sniffling and his head was buried in Schlatt's shoulder. "I can always come with you...we can go out on our adventures, drink cocoa, enjoy sleeping out in the tents" Night popped up out of Schlatts shoulder "You want to come!?" Schlatt rolled his eyes and stood up next to Night "Why not, got nothing better to do." "But what about your business?! You can't leave that...I don't want you to sacrifice anything for me anymore..."Night was holding his head down "I was planning on retiring soon anyway" Night still had some tears coming down his face when he said "Thank you dad" 

"Do you remember the first time you called me dad?" Night shook his head a little "God you were a pipsqueak, never talked, rebellious and could stand on his own two feet. Never needed me...Then one day you came back home all excited because you beat Zarya in a fight, you came in yelling and screaming happy sounds. You ran up to me and said 'Dad! Dad! Guess what I did?' then we both just froze you were red and I was exploding with happiness...from there on out you always called me dad." Night laughed and wiped off the remaining tears. "I love you Dad." Schlatt smiled and wrapped his arm around Night shoulder "I love you too son." 

(I don't know why I cried but like I started to get really sad. If you started to get sad please comment)

~With Zarya~

"I will give you some privacy" Zarya said leaving. Zarya spoke through coms "Turn it off and give them a moment" There was a faint copy on the other side of the line, Zarya wandered through the front courtyard looking at the scenery and found a nice bench under some trees. 15-20 minutes passed before Zarya saw Night and Schlatt walk out side by side next to each other, Schlatt was ruffling Night's hair and throwing playful punches at each other. "Old mans still got it?!!" Zarya yelled from across the court yard. "OLD! Listen here you piece of shit! I am not Old!!" Schlatt yelled back, Night was laughing his ass off as Zarya and Schlatt started to argue over his age. The man came back out with a vial and passed it to the deflating Dream before returning back inside the castle. 

"Let's get home" And the 3 set off back to the village. At home was a waiting surprise.

Schlatt is taller the Dream in this story...but like inhumanly tall so 7ft...

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