Chapter 19

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3rd Person's POV

Her eyes made everyone feel anxious, she passed a tea to Techno from the counter. "Please sit down! It might be a few before your friend comes back, I have to open shop for the dinner hour." Elena walked to the door flipping a sign and taking down chairs, Magician helped with the chairs. "What brings you all here with Dream?" Elena asked as she cleaned one of the tables, "We are here because Dream needed help with transporting a food good back to the village. Disc and Bee are here because they wanted to go on an adventure." 

Dream reemerged with a tall muscular male who had a beard "-Если ты вернешься завтра, у меня будет для тебя список. Этого должно быть достаточно, чтобы ты продолжил путь на все заклинание, перо находится в доме благородного как украшение, а он завтра устраивает вечеринку, которую мы могу присутствовать "("-If you come back tomorrow I will have a list ready for you. That should be enough to get you on your way for the whole spell, the quill is in the noble's house as a decorate and he is holding a party tomorrow that we can attend.") His deep voice started the group as the duo reemerged from the back, 

"Спасибо, Виктор. Как я могу отплатить тебе?"("Thank you Victor. How can I repay you?")Dream asked, the group stared in confusion at their conversation."Вы могли бы помочь с сегодняшней суетой, у нас мало персонала, и я позволю вам остаться в некоторых комнатах наверху."("You could help with tonight's rush, we are short on staff and I will let you stay in some of the rooms upstairs.") Dream gave Victor a smile, continuing to ignore the groups confused looks "Иметь дело."("Deal.") Dream looked towards the group "We are going to stay the night here and help with the dinner rush, we will leave tomorrow" 

After settling down in their rooms all members returned to the tavern for their work "Ok, Tommy, Tubbo and Quackity you can be waiters. Magician you can handle the drinks, Techno you handle front house with Elena. Disc and bee you two can be bus boys, just grab dishes when everyone is done. I will help with serving as well." Victor brought out some uniforms for everyone to change into once Dream finished speaking. "Where did you learn to speak Russian?" Tubbo asked "I am fluent in many languages, Russian is one of them." Dream spoke with no emotion and walked away, Tubbo started to feel guilty.

Tommy walked over to Tubbo "What's wrong?" Tubbo grabbed Tommy and dragged him outside, tears were steaming down his face "he is blocking me out...I-I get that s a normal response for putting him through all of that and making him the monster a-and I...I don't know how to fix it." Tubbo sounded defeated, Elena came around the corner "Get up. You made a mistake, your human. You can't change your past mistake but you can make sure to not make it again." Her Russian accent was heavy when she spoke, she looked at Tommy "He will forgive you people one day, just prove to him that the monsters are in the woods not in his friends." 

The 3 walked back inside to see 4 tables filled with loud drunks, they had military uniforms and swords. Dream walked over to Tubbo and Tommy "Be carful what you say to these customers...we are a lot closer to the kingdom so there are more patrol officers. Call me Dream, they only know the name 'Nightmare'. Understand?" Dream stepped back once Tommy and Tubbo nodded their heads, Dream handed them a pad and pen for the orders. Dream walked back to a table where new customers had sat down, Dream held a smile and took orders.

Halfway through the rush a problem came up with one of the tables. This group of knights, early 20's, drunk and loud started to disrupt the whole tavern. This was one of Tubbo's tables "E-excuse me! Sorry to bother you but do you mind quieting down a bit for our other guests?" The group of knights started to laugh at Tubbo, "You think you can tell us what to do Peasant  we are part of the royal guard! We can do anything we want, so how about you turn around and go back to serving us some more drinks? We wouldn't want any accidents now would we?" The man had a dirty grin on his face, he made a move to grab his sword. Dream came over to Tubbo's aid

"Are you really going to pull your sword against an innocent sever? We wouldn't want to tarnish the knight's name now would we?" The knight gritted his teeth and looked around the room. Everyone was staring at the 3, some had a look of disgust, anger and some were even scared. The knight looked back at the 2 waiters, Dream was standing protectively in front of Tubbo. As the knight was about to speak a loud boom from the door slamming open disrupted the scene "Tristen! What the hell do you think you are doing?" Dream moved back with Tubbo as the mystery man walked towards the knights table. Two other knights were following him. 

The man looked back at Dream before bowing slightly at him "I am sorry for the disrupting behavior my knights have caused." "It's alright but do you mind taking them out of the establishment, we may finish our conversation there." Thomas snapped his fingers and the knights were walking out the door. Dream walked outside, he motioned for Techno to join. "I am very sorry for the disruption my knights caused, the kingdom will pay for the damages. I haven't introduced myself have I? I am Thomas Smith, I am the head royal guard for the castle and you are?" Thomas stretched his hand out, Dream stared at the outstretched hand "I am Dream, I was working here for the knight to help out the owners." Dream didn't take his hand instead he stepped back "It was very nice to meet you but I have to get back to work." "Wait!" Dream and Techno stopped and turned back to Thomas "As a about I let you come to the ball you and your friend" He sounded desperate, Dream smirked for a second before smiling "That would be lovely"

Dream and Techno went back inside, the rest of the night went by with no interruptions. "Let's go to bed...we have work to do tomorrow." Dream and Techno went to their shared room and fell asleep together.

Ok so I am planning the next few book ideas and I would like your thoughts

1-Mafia Dreamnoblade-Techno is the head of the Mafia and falls in love with collage student Dream

2-Forgotten Prince-Techno is running from the kingdom and meets the rouge Dream who introduces him to a whole new world. Then people find them and so on

3-Secret-Techno and Dream are secretly engaged and they make a slip up and SMP members start to figure out their dirty little secret

Also would you like any other bottom Dream ships or only Dreamnoblade, cause I also like Dreambur(but insane Wilbur) too. I am also going to finish the teacher au soon.


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