Chapter 4

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3rd Person's POV

"WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON HERE????!!!!" Tommy yelled at the 3 people. Everyone else started to yell after Tommy too, yelling questions, threats and concerns about what they just witnessed. Dream, Techno and the women all were trying to speak but the group was yelling over them. Philza joined them, making am entrance by flying and landing between the two groups, effectively shutting everyone up. 

Philza turned towards the 3, "Hey, guy's..." Philza greeted the 3 before turning back to the big group. "Why are you all yelling at them?" Everyone was staring at Philza in shock for 2 reasons. 1-He didn't care about Dream being out of prison 2-He was too calm about everything. "WHAT DO YOU MEAN WHY ARE WE YELLING?!! Why aren't you yelling?!" Tommy yelled again, "Because I got a message filling me in on what was happening, Dream predicted it." All eyes were on Dream now.

Dream's POV

Great Phil you have doomed me, "I knew that a monster was comin-" "Of course you knew...All you do is make things worse for this SMP, your just a villain." Quackity spat at me, as soon as villain came out of his mouth, Raven expanded her wings, grabbing my stomach and taking off. She flew so fast that we probably get to 1,000 feet in 15 seconds. "Raven, put me down. We have to explain to them." "No, just 1 minute of peace up here before we go back, I-I need a break from the yelling..." I stayed quiet, looking at the stars, below the clouds its just foggy and damp, here it's pristine and cool. After a few seconds Raven let us slowly float down, on the way she whispered in my ear "I am going back to Techno and Philza's house, I will meet you guy's there." I nodded at her, we finally reached land, Phil was keeping everyone quiet. I gave Raven a wave as she took off again, heading back over the ocean, I watched her disappear into the horizon's fog.

I turned back to everyone, seeing their angry, confused faces. "I know you have questions and I will be happy to answer them-One condition though, I can't go back to prison yet until the SMP is 100% Dreamon free." "What Hell no we aren't letting you walk around here by yourself!" Tommy, always to closed minded. "Fine, let's head back to prison, you can keep your questions to yourself." I stared the down, they stared back. "How about Dream stays under mine and Techno's watch, that way he is still under close watch but you can get your questions answered." Phil answered both our sides, they're were a grumble of answers all agreeing, everyone turned back to me, I was about to nod my head to the terms but Tubbo spoke up "Tommy will watch him too, no offense but you guys tried to blow up l'manberg with Tommy joins." I nodded my head anyway, he would just be a nuisance at most. I started off with probably the biggest question on their minds.  

"That women you all saw was my friend, Raven, she is more powerful then most of us here. Do not try to corner her or ask her questions, she will try to kill you. Anyway that monster was a Dreamon, these come from peoples feelings they are made to take over and plague your mind creating a darker or opposite version of yourself, very few people can control their opposites making them even more terrifying and destructive. I don't know why they are here, all I know is that there may be more. I have been communicating to Raven, she has been keeping me in touch about the SMP and what has been happening, this is why I knew about the Dreamon. I think I covered the bases of that. Anything else?" I saw Sam raise his hand, I pointed at him. "2 questions, 1 why do Phil and Techno know Raven and 2 who is Nightmare?"

 I didn't answer for a second, I could feel the back of my hoodie changing black, I need to calm myself down first-no danger here. "Techno and Phil have been letting Raven stay with them for the past year ever since I was put in prison. Nightmare...well Nightmare is my Dreamon half, he comes out when I either am in life threatening danger or I physically change into him." They all nodded, a few people left after the explanation. There were a few minor questions that I answered, after that I left with Phil, Techno and Tommy back to the hut.

It took forever to get back, Tommy didn't leave me alone without being 5ft within his range. We got back to see Ghostbur hanging out with Friend. "Hello, Ghostbur" "Hello friends!" "We are just going to be inside warming up if you need us." Phil said to Ghostbur, Ghostbur nodded smiling and resumed what he was doing with Friend. Everyone went ahead of me for a second, "Do you know where Raven is?" "Oh yeah, she's on the roof." I smiled at Ghostbur, then I followed Everyone inside to the cottage to warm up. Phil made some tea, I wasn't relaxing at all, I was worried about my best friend. Raven never goes up on the roof unless she has something bothering her. Phil and Techno could almost sense my worry, Tommy is a child and either choses to ignore it or doesn't notice. "You can go check on her if you want." "What! No we can't let him out of our site. What if he escapes or try's to hurt someone!" "Tommy." Phil gave off a warning, Tommy didn't care-he kept going. "He's just a stupid villain, he should be lucky to even be alive after what he did hurting all these innocent people. I think you would be better off dead." "Tommy!" Philza slammed his hand down on the coffee table. "It's fine Phil, I am just going to go check on her." I left the cottage. I climbed out to the roof and sat down nest to Raven, it was snowing outside, she put a wing around me and over my head shielding me from the cold and snow. I let my head fall on her shoulder, she put hers on mine. I let silent tears fall down my face. We didn't say anything, just sat and watched the stars and flakes of snow.

3rd Person's POV

As Dream left the cottage Phil was holding Tommy back from following him, "Why are you on his side? He's a god dam villain and he deserves everything that comes to him!" This time Techno spoke for Dream. "You understand nothing, you are just a child who is too ignorant to see past what's in front of you. Everyone has a breaking point, even Dream. That prison was his, you will have no idea what happened in those walls everyday. What that does to a man, silence only to be left with your thoughts..." Techno walked upstairs. "Let him have a few moments of peace...he doesn't get many." Phil gently sat Tommy back on the couch before sitting next to him. "This is something bigger then just our SMP, Techno and I have seen it first hand this past year...People need an escape Tommy, Raven is Dream's. You have sent him to an eternal hell...You have to look more closely at him Tommy. We know nothing but this act he puts up, have you ever meet the real Dream, not just some person who ruins everything. Have you heard his side of the story." Phil looked down on Tommy, Tommy didn't return the look. Phil left to go to bed. Tommy sat on the couch, thinking about what Techno and Phil said.

This took too long to make 😫

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