Chapter 12

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I am listening to the Queen herself Beyoncé. Ok Raven will be single but will have more brother relationships with the opposites, same to Dream because he is going to be with Techno.(Or is he?)

Dream's POV

I could see the smoke from the cottage from here, it was about another 100 blocks from where we are. "Thank you Bacon...for everything." Techno didn't respond. He actually also stopped walking and just stared ahead. "Hehehe Bacon?" "Oh shut up it was a one time thing ok." "NO! ahem no no no you have to call me that from now on." I saw him give me a sly smirk as he walked back up to me. "Fine but you have to call me something too." "I'm open to suggestions." I had to think about that...I could tell him but I don't know how he would react, maybe he would laugh.

"You could call me by my real name...if you want?" It sounded more as a question, "No one knows your real name." As if a sudden realization hit him he turned to me and grabbed my shoulders. "YOU!-ahem-you would tell me your name." I gave him a smile and nodded my head " can call me Clay when it's just us." Techno nodded and smiled, his pig ears piped up at his new knowledge. I heard a hiss come from behind us, I turned around to spot a creeper. "Techno!" 

It blew up sending us back into the snow, I had something red land on top of me. I hit my head on the ground from the blow back, my vision was a little  foggy but I could make out the Pig hybrid hovering over me with his arms on either side on my head and his leg in between mine. "Are you ok?" Techno asked me, he slightly groaned at the beginning. "Yeah I'm good...but could you get off your heavy." He looked at me with a hurt expression that contrasted with the mischief glint in his eyes..."But Clay~ I don't think my hands can hold me up form much longer." I understand now why I hate him sometimes. He flopped on my stomach, I let out a groan at the increased weight on my stomach and leg. "Bacon...Could you please get off me, I don't want to be blown up by a creeper again." Techno let out a gruff groan as he stood up, pulling me with him.

We walked back to the house with snow painting our clothes white and aching muscles. "What the hell happened to you two?" Phil, oh Phil our savior. "Creeper." Techno said, Phil gave off a laugh and walked to get us a blanket. Techno and I sat down on the couch, shedding some armor and extra layers. I was sitting in a black turtle neck and black jeans, Techno was in a white long sleeve button up shirt and pants. Phil brought us a blanket, "You two can warm up, I am going to go to bed and Raven will be back soon she just went out to get some wood."  We said good night to Phil.

I felt the wave of everything that happen hit today, all the stress and anger towards the SMP is starting to come back. I let me head fall into my hands and I let out a heavy sigh "You alright Clay?" I felt a hand on my shoulder that traveled up and down my back, "Yeah yeah just stressed about this whole thing." Techno pulled me into his side, I allowed it because I just needed something to keep me calm. "I'm stressed too but now that everyone knows the hard part is over. Now it's time to sleep." I gave him a tiny wheeze, "Here you sleep I will wait for Raven to come back." "What! I thought you hated people touching you much less sleeping on you." I looked at him with a playful shock, "What can I say I am full of surprises." 

I put my head on his shoulder, I could hear his breathing and the fire crackling, it was very peaceful. The hand around my waist that brought me security and a sense of warmth. I fell asleep, the last thing I heard was a door open. 

Techno's POV

I watch the door open revealing a snow form of Raven, she had wood under her arm, "Having fun?" She gave me a sheepish smile before changing back into Raven. "It was fun out there at night...And I see you and Dream are having a good time~" There was a playful tease in her voice, I was blushing "Shut up!" "I don't care that you love him...I care that you might hurt him, if you plan to act on these feelings lover boy be sure your staying. ----" I didn't hear that last part and I didn't know if I wanted too. "Goodnight then." "Night"

Me in love with Dream HA...There is no way I am in love with Dream, Raven is completely wrong this time...Just because I love the way he smiles when he gets to hang out with animals and I enjoy his passion about certain topics. I mean sure I don't mind how his hair is ruffled in the morning and how peaceful he is when he's asleep or how those bright green eyes look at me with emotio-Oh no no no nonononononono NOOOOO I can't be in love with him-No-I-no No. I am not in love with Dream that's completely out of the question. He is just a friend...that I slept with and almost kissed...Oh shit...

I love Dream. 

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I have Dinner and School to get through and since school is almost over there will be more stories coming up.(2 1/2 months left I think) 

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