Chapter 13

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3rd Person's POV

The next morning everyone in the cottage woke up to a loud boom from outside. Awaking abruptly Dream and Phil came outside with weapons, Phil and Raven came out a few seconds behind them. Outside was a crowd of creepers surrounding Tommy, Tommy was screaming at the top of his lungs when he saw Phil and Techno he yelled "PHIL! TECHNO! HELP ME I'M GOIN' FUCK'IN DIE!" Dream and Techno turned around to go back inside, Phil held the bridge of his nose and shook his head. Raven had a blank stare on her face watching the creepers blow up as Tommy ran around dodging and slicing them.

"Your child. Your problems." Raven gave Phil a blank look as she walked back into the cottage. Phil gave off a sigh before going to help the child. "Tommy! Come here you piece of shit! Stop running away!" After 10 minutes of the child screaming and Creepers being slain, peace was restored at the snowy biome. Tommy and Phil came back inside to see breakfast made and the table set, Raven walked past the boys to the table with a bowl of fruit. "So Tommy what brings you here this early in the morning?" Raven asked from the table. "Well everyone would like you guys to come back to SMP so we can finish discussing the plans for the monsters." Tommy said in his usual loud voice, Phil and Tommy joined the 3 at the table for breakfast.

The trip to the SMP was quicker this time around, the 5 of them walked to the Prime Church. Dream went up to the front where Tubbo was, he was trying to quiet down the SMP members and failing miserably. Raven, Techno, Phil and Tommy were by the entrance, Dream was sneaking by to Tubbo on the sidelines. Dream whistled to grab everyone's attention, "Alright I get we are all worried about the attacks but right now I need you to listen to me. Last night Raven went out to check on the portals, 2 of the 3 have closed and the last one has grown so there is no way we can counter act the portal with the supplies we have like we originally planned. There is a certain rock that could shut down the last portal, there is just one problem with getting it..." Dream trailed off, he looked outside the window of the church to avoid eye contact with the SMP members before him.

"We would have to go to the opposite world to obtain the rock." Piped Raven from the entrance, "The only way to close that portal is to go to the opposite world and then bring back the rock!" Raven continued, everyone looked back at Dream. "So anyone want to take a road trip?" Chaos broke out at the church, people were yelling over each other at Dream. Raven was outside the church with Phil away from all the conflict, Techno went inside to help calm the riot starting. "I get we are all have questi-" Tubbo was cut off by more angry yells by the crowd. Dream was starting to get fed up with this.

Dream's POV

I slammed my hand on the table, this effectively settled the room and hurt my hand..."Listen now! I honestly don't care what happens to this SMP anymore, you want to let it die to the hands of these monsters then be my guest but right now my team is the only ones who can help you. SO SHUT UP AND SIT DOWN!" Everyone sat down, low grumbles were emitted from the audience but I looked past that, "Great now that we have settled, I am going to bring this worlds version of most of my team back in the opposite world. Which means I am bringing Techno, Quackity, Bad, Tubbo, Tommy, George, Sapnap, Wilbur, Skeppy, Phil, and Sam. The rest of you will stay here and keep track of the SMP, Raven believes that as soon as we go back almost all of the attacks will stop. The people I called will meet tomorrow at 12 back here and then we will leave for the adventure."

I walked out of the church, in an attempt to find Phil and Raven I ran into Techno. "Sorry bout that Bacon, I should have watched where I was going though." I gave off a tiny wheeze as Techno steadied me by holding my forearms "It's alright Clay" "You know I am almost regretting giving you my name." Techno gave me his signature chuckle "No you didn't" I gave him a laugh back and we walked down the prime path. "Your right I don't...Any clue where Raven and Phil went off to?" I asked him, he sighed and looked up, it was dusk right now and the stars were starting to show. "I believe they went back to the cottage to pack supplies for our adventure tomorrow with the idiots of the SMP." I started to wheeze at the nickname we gave them over a year ago.

"Should we stay here for the night and just sleep under the stars..." I let my voice drift off as we watch the sun disappear over the horizon letting the stars illuminate the sky. "It makes you wonder how things could have been different." Techno gave me a grunt in reply, "Let's go make camp somewhere, I hate baby zombies." I gave a scoffing chuckle and followed Techno up a hill, we found a tree that was alone on the mountain. "Let's sleep here, that way we can watch the sunrise." Techno looked at me and looked back at the spot before placing down a blanket we brought. I rested my back against the tree, Techno laid down with his head on my leg. I ran my fingers through his pink hair, enjoying the cooling breeze and quiet rustle of leaves. 

"Thank you for sharing everything with me...I enjoy knowing the secrets of my one and only rival." Techno had a cheeky grin when he was speaking, I stopped playing with Techno's hair and threw my mask on his face "Shut up!" I was a little embarrassed because the first week I spent working with Techno I told him everything, I was like a girl spreading gossip. He sat up and faced me the mask was a adjacent so it didn't show one of his eyes. "Seriously though thank you for everything." I gave him a smile "Why should you be thanking me, I should be thanking you after all you listened to me and was there for me in my darkest times, you are a true frien-" Techno grabbed my face and kissed me.

I didn't know what to do for a second so I froze on the spot, trying to process what happened.(KISS HIM BACK YOU IDIOT) "S-sorry for doing that I um I shouldn't have do-" I cut him off "Do it again" "wha-" I pulled him back in kissing him first this time, he wrapped his arm around my waist, I cupped his face. When we broke for a breath, I let my forehead rest on Techno's "We should sleep, tomorrows a big day..." Techno resumed his position on my leg, the face mask was still on his head and my flushed face was out in the open. Other then all the fighting today was a good day, tomorrow will be a bitch though. 

I FINISHED THE CHAPTER AND STARTED THE DREAMNOBLADE ASPECT OF THIS STORY. ENJOY IT WHILE IT LASTS BECAUSE I AM DONE FOR THE NIGHT! Any questions please ask I check my notifications almost every hour after 6 am (US time). I got way to invested in this last like 3 paragraphs.

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