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beautiful pain ❤️ norenmin

Jaemin had just finished dancing with his best friend Donghyuck, he was having fun and he was forgetting his crush that he had on Lee Jeno. He has been crushing on Jeno since forever but his crush started dating some Chinese new kid and he was heartbroken which left him wanting to forget about his crush on Jeno. His friends brought him to a party and to be honest, he isn't really a partying person but all he wanted was to forget.

Jaemin danced the night away while trying to forget about Jeno, he even made out with several different people, just hoping that he could forget about Jeno but he couldn't at all. Every time he would kiss someone, he would immediately feel like he is cheating on Jeno even though he wasn't even dating him.

Jaemin is a mess and he can't do anything about it. Someone grabbed Jaemin by the wrist and pulled him into a different room in Mark's house. The party was at Mark's house who also happens to be dating his best friend, at first Jaemin was head-strong and he wanted to make sure that his friend was in good hands but he knew right away that Mark was a good guy.

"J-jen, what are you doing here? I thought that you were spending time with Renjun." Jaemin said as he ripped his arm out of Jeno's hand, he tried to walk out of the room but Jeno wouldn't let him.

"I was but Donghyuck told me that you were too drunk and I knew that I had to come and make sure that you were ok." Jeno said as he put his hands on Jaemin's cheeks making Jaemin blush but Jaemin was trying so hard not to give in. Besides Jeno has a boyfriend now and Jaemin doesn't want to be the whore, he doesn't want to be the "homewrecker."

"Jeno I want to be alone and you're just making things harder for me." Jaemin said as he pushed Jeno's hands of his face. He walked to another part of the room and while he tired to relax but his heart was beating so fast and he wants to be touched by Jeno.

"What do you mean by that Jaem? I'm your best friend and I care so much about you." Jeno said as he walked toward Jaemin, he was getting ready to hug Jaemin but Jaemin pushed him, it wasn't hard enough but it made Jeno shocked because Jaemin loves cuddles and here he is not hugging him.

"Yeah, best friend." Jaemin mumbled out as he burst into tears, he was supposed to be the strong one but he can't hold himself together especially when he is with Jeno every single day and he has to watch his best friend being happy with someone else when he has been there for him since the beginning.

"Oh nana." Jeno said as he hugged Jaemin, he peaked Jaemin's head as he made sure that Jaemin was feeling good in his hug because Jeno knows that some times, he hugs Jaemin a little too hard.

"Jen." Jaemin whispered out as he looked up at Jeno.

Jeno couldn't help but look at Jaemin as well, he always thought that Jaemin was an angel and looking at him now, he is right. Jaemin in his arms makes Jaemin look like an angel and Jeno wants to see more of it. "Yeah?"

"Don't get mad after I do this, because I probably won't remember what happened the next day. So promise me that you won't get mad?" Jaemin asked as he looked into Jeno's eyes.

"Of course nana, anything for you." Jeno said with a smile on his face. Jaemin then leaned in and kissed Jeno's lips.

Jeno was shocked but then he felt himself kissing Jaemin back and it felt great. He knew that he was cheating on Renjun but he couldn't help but kiss Jaemin more and more until Jaemin falls asleep in his arms. Jeno thinks that Jaemin's lips are amazing, they were slightly chapped but they tasted like Cherries because of the lip balm that Jaemin uses. Jeno just knew that he wouldn't be forgetting this about this ever.


The day that Jaemin met Renjun was a weird day, it was still 2018 and Jaemin had completely forgot about what had happened at the party between him and Jeno but he still doesn't know how he will feel about Renjun because they still haven't met yet.

Jaemin was kind of shocked when he saw Renjun for the first time. Renjun was small but he could pack a punch, he looked like he could handle himself well without Jeno's help, he even saw how Renjun had a short-temper and how he could choke someone with easy.

Jaemin thought that Renjun was actually kind of hot and this left him even more confused, he loves Jeno and he has for years and suddenly this guy named Renjun comes in and he makes him fall hard for him.

Jaemin is a mess and he's not sure how he can change at all.

Jaemin noticed that every time that Renjun would look at him, he would have this weird and unknown look on his face and then he would smirk which definitely wasn't health for his heart knowing that his heart likes 2 people and just one.

"Hey Jaem, can I talk with you?" Renjun said as he grabbed Jaemin's wrist and pulled him into the bathroom, Jeno had looked at them and was confused why they had left but he didn't think about it for too long and went back to texting Mark and Jisung about the next party.

"Sure, what's up Jun?" Jaemin said as he looked up at Renjun who seemed to be contemplating whether or not he should tell Jaemin.

"I have to tell you how I'm feeling." Renjun started off and he took a deep breath before talking again. "Jaem, I think I'm in love with you." he said as he looked at Jaemin who freeze in his spot not knowing what to do or think. Jaemin was in a state of shock and he wasn't sure how to feel about it especially since Renjun was dating Jeno who also happens to be Jaemin's crush.

"I-i." Jaemin couldn't say anything because before he could speak, Renjun had kissed him. Jaemin once again was shocked but he kissed Renjun back anyways leaving him in a blissful kiss.

Once Renjun left, he didn't know what to do or say but he knew that he needed some time to think. He left school and went home to his dorm where Donghyuck probably was but he didn't want to talk about what happened just yet.

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