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Jaemin went to Donghyuck, because he knew that Donghyuck would always have his back no matter what. After all, Donghyuck is his best friend in the whole world.

Jaemin has no idea what Donghyuck will actually say but he knows that he needs some kind of help to try and figure out what to do. Renjun kissed him and Jaemin is sure that Jeno did the same thing that night when he was drunk because a few days after that party Jeno was acting weird but than he went back to usually ways.

"Duckie, I need your help." Jaemin said as soon as he went inside of the dorm only to see Donghyuck and Mark making out, Donghyuck was on Mark's lap while Mark had his hands on Donghyuck ass but as soon as they saw Jaemin, they immediately pushed each other apart.

"W-what did you say Nana?" Donghyuck said as he kissed Mark one more time before Mark left, Donghyuck also fixed himself because he looked like a total mess.

"I need your help, sit down so then I can tell you the tea." Jaemin said as he sat down on the couch, Donghyuck looked at Jaemin and then did the same thing that Jaemin did because he noticed how serious Jaemin was about this.

"What's going on Nana? You look sad and confused." Donghyuck said as he tapped Jaemin's cheek. They always did stuff like this, they loved to cuddle and Mark had no problem with that because he is a good boyfriend.

"It's just that...... I don't even know. I love Jeno and I always have, I feel like something happened at that party but I'm not sure because I was too drunk to remember what happened and now Renjun confused me even more when he confessed to me and then kissed me. Duckie, I'm a mess." Jaemin said as some tears slowly came out of his eyes. He was supposed to be focusing on education but all he can think about is that fact that now he is caught in a confusing love triangle.

"Wait what?!?! Back up, back up. Renjun kissed YOU but he's dating Jeno. Something happened at the party when Jeno came to pick you but you can't remember anything. Nana, I think you should about asking Jeno what happened that night but you shouldn't tell Jeno about Renjun kissing you. You have got to figure all the pieces of the puzzle before you go around telling Jeno and Renjun stuff ok?" Donghyuck explained as he hugged Jaemin. He hates seeing his best friend going there this much stress, especially if it's because of boys.

"O-ok. I will tomorrow. I think I need some rest." Jaemin mumbled out before falling asleep on Donghyuck's shoulder.


The moment that Jaemin woke up, he knew what he had to do. He walked to Jeno's dorm and asked to talk with Jeno. Of course, Jeno said yes because he missed his bestfriend.

Or maybe he missed Jaemin's lips.

Because as soon as Jaemin walked into Jeno's dorm, Jeno already had his lips on Jaemin's lips. It felt familiar about the pair of lips, it felt as if Jaemin had kissed these lips before and maybe that was what happened at the party but Jaemin couldn't even ask Jeno because Jeno's lips were already on his.

Jaemin loved the feeling though.

Of having Jeno's lips on his. When Renjun kissed him, it was like felt great but kissing Jeno was on a whole other level. At the same time though, Jaemin couldn't help but think of Renjun's lips as well.

Jeno finally moved away from Jaemin's lips but he started kissing Jaemin's jaw and neck instead making Jaemin moan, this all felt amazing but Jaemin couldn't help but think about the fact that Jeno was cheating on Renjun.

"J-jen, s-stop. R-renjun b-boyfriend." Was all that Jaemin could mumbled out and Jeno heard him but he didn't stop. Jeno couldn't help it, he has wanted Jaemin for longer than Jaemin thinks but Jaemin was too oblivious to realize that Jeno likes him too.

"Baby, please I've wanted this for so long." Jeno whispered in Jaemin's ear before licking Jaemin's ear which made Jaemin squeal. Slowly Jaemin was starting to get completely into the mode that Jeno was setting and he was also forgetting the fact that Renjun was Jeno's boyfriend.

"Humm, ahh. Jen more please." Jaemin whined out when he felt Jeno's fingers starting to play with his nipples. jaemin couldn't help but whine and moan, especially when jeno put his lips around one of his nipples and sucked on it.

"Baby Nana, will you be my boyfriend?" Jeno said as he looked up at Jaemin. jaemin blushed and he knows that he shouldn't say yes but he wanted this so badly that he couldn't help but say yes.

"Yes, yes I will but what about Renjun?" Jaemin asked as he slightly pushed Jeno away, so then they can actually talk about this because having jeno so close to his face is making jaemin blush even more.

"Well...... We will just have to keep our relationship a secret from everyone, because I love both you and Renjun and I don't want any of you to leave me because you both are mine." Jeno said as he kissed Jaemin's head and smiled. Jaemin decided that this was a great time to leave, he kissed Jeno good-bye and then left Jeno's dorm.

Jaemin was so busy thinking that he didn't realize that he had bumped into someone. jaemin thought that he would fall, so he immediately squealed and waited for himself to fall only for someone to save him.

"Woah baby, you should watch where you're going because not everyone else is like me." Renjun said as he smirked as he picked Jaemin up. jaemin couldn't help but blush especially because Renjun was looking at him as if he would be eating Jaemin for lunch.

"O-oh sorry." Jaemin said as he smiled at Renjun.

"Can I talk with you Jaemin?" Renjun asked with the most serious face Jaemin has ever seen Renjun make.


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