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Renjun walked to his house to get ready but before he actually got ready, he decided to have Jaemin come over for them to spend sometime together. He missed the beauty and honestly he wants his body close to him right now, so he texted Jaemin to come over and of course Jaemin said yes.

Renjun couldn't wait to see Jaemin, he saw Jaemin at school in his outfit and he couldn't help but get hard which is why he wanted to let his sexual frustration before he met Jaemin. So he took out his already hard cock and stroked it at a medium pace as he remembered how hot Jaemin looked today.

He couldn't help the fact that he was a horny motherfucker and Jaemin's innocent body always makes him go crazy. His cock started leaking pre-cum and he couldn't help but groan at the feeling of him almost coming already.

He stroked himself faster until he finally came onto his hand, he licked his own cum and smiled at the thought of his cum on Jaemin's sweet innocent face.

That was when he heard a knock on the door, he knew that it was Jaemin because  he told Jeno to pick him up at 6:00 and he may have lied about himself having a job but it was all to spend time with Jaemin.

"Junnie, I heard that you and Jen are going to the movies. What movie are you watching?" Jaemin said as he sat down next to Renjun, he turned on the tv but made sure that it was low enough for Jaemin to hear what Renjun is saying.

"Godzilla vs King Kong. I'm actually really excited, I love Godzilla." Renjun said as he stared at Jaemin who was staring at the tv. Jaemin turned around when he heard Renjun answer his question but blushed when he saw Renjun staring right at him.

Jaemin coughed as he turned his head back to the tv only to have his head turned by Renjun. He felt Renjun's lips on his lips and he couldn't help but kiss back. Jaemin loves the feeling that he gets whenever Renjun and Jeno kiss him, his lips might be crusty because of them constantly biting and sucking on his lips but he still loves it.

"Nana, why are you always so shy whenever I kiss you? I thought that you were a confident gay." Renjun teased as he started kissing Jaemin's neck, Jaemin moaned as he tried to answer but every time he tried, he would always end up moaning instead of answering the question.

"J-jun, I'm a confident gay but just not when I'm with people that like." Jaemin explained as he caught his breath, he was breathless and Renjun wasn't helping him at all.

"Yeah sure baby." Renjun said as he kissed Jaemin's lips. Renjun loves Jaemin's lips, they might be chapped but he loves to suck on them and chew them as well as along as he can hear Jaemin's pretty moans.

Renjun spent time with Jaemin until his clock said 5:00, after that he had kissed Jaemin goodbye and started getting changed for the movie, he was excited. He would finally go on a date with Jeno, he hasn't done that in a while which is why he was so excited.


Jeno had picked Renjun up at 6:00 like he promised, he was just as excited for this date as Renjun was, he and Renjun haven't been spending time together because Jeno wanted to spend time with Jaemin and it's the same for Renjun but now he's happy to finally go out on a date with Renjun again.

Jeno made sure that everything was ready, he had money, he had snacks because God knows that movie theater food is expensive and he made sure that Renjun was enjoying his time.

The whole time while they watched the movie, they couldn't help but hold each other's hands especially when they both grabbed popcorn like usual but in their mind they knew that something was missing.

Jeno was being extremely nice which is something that always happens but today he had also brought Renjun somewhere so then they can eat dinner and usually Jeno would just make them go to their dorm so then they could cook. 

Renjun knew that something was going on but he was too happy to ask about it.

Once the date was done, Jeno kissed Renjun's lips and smiled when he saw Renjun blushing before leaving to his dorm. 

But Renjun couldn't help but think about Jaemin.  

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