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That night Jaemin had thought a little more about his decision and came to a conclusion that he would break up with Renjun and Jeno. He thought that breaking up with Renjun right now would do well while tomorrow, he would break up with Jeno, so that he wouldn't be hurting even more.

So he called Renjun and told him to meet up at the park that was near Jaemin's dorm. Jaemin decided to wear black, because he knows that Renjun and himself will be sad but this is something that he has to do no matter what.

Jaemin sat at the bench as he read a Wattpad fanfiction, it was about a popular couple called Jaeyong, it was one of Jaemin's favorite ships in the K-Pop industry. The story was called Secret and it was by a very popular writer named chogiwanese, Jaemin couldn't help but read the writers work because it was good, he kind of wished that his relationship was like Jaeyong or Johnten but things like that only happen in books right?

"Hey baby." Jaemin turns around when he hears Renjun's voice and smiled sadly knowing that this would be the last time that he would be able to call him that.

"Hey Junnie, I wanted to talk with you." Jaemin said as he let Renjun sit next to him. Renjun immediately noticed Jaemin's voice and face knowing that this wasn't going to be good, because Jaemin wasn't smiling and he looked like he was almost crying.

"What's wrong baby? You look so sad, is something wrong?" Renjun asked as he pulled Jaemin into his arm but Jaemin didn't hug back as he just stayed still.

"Junnie, I want to break-up. I love you so much but you're dating Jeno and every time I see you two together, it hurts knowing that I can't be doing the same with you. I'm ruining your relationship and I see it everyday, how you and Jeno are slowly falling out of love. So I'm breaking up with you. This is my goodbye to you." Jaemin said as he leaned in a kissed Renjun who was in total shock about the fact that Jaemin was breaking up with him, because he really loves him and Jeno.

While kissing not only was Jaemin crying but someone was watching, this person was sad, confused and kind of angry because he didn't see the signs that both of them liked Jaemin.

"J-jaemin please don't break up with me. I'll do anything please." Renjun begged as he held onto Jaemin tightly.

"Junnie, it's over. I don't want to ruin your relationship even more, so please just leave me alone for a bit." Jaemin said as he started walking away only to be backhugged by Renjun who just wouldn't let Jaemin go and this only broke Jaemin's heart even more.

Jeno was watching the scene and he was shocked to hear that Jaemin was also dating Renjun but at the same time, he was confused. 

He should be mad but why is he happy to hear that Jaemin and Renjun were dating?

He would have loved to see Renjun and Jaemin kissing but once Jeno heard what they were talking about, he couldn't help but feel horrible for himself, Renjun and Jaemin but especially Jaemin who seems to be going threw a lot of pain for having a secret relationship with both of them.

He wanted to hug Jaemin too but he knew that Jaemin needed alone time and he just had a feeling that Jaemin would also break up with him as well.

"We're done Jun." Jaemin said as he got out of Renjun's arms and went home leaving Renjun heartbroken and Jeno just watching everything.

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