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The days have been better ever since Renjun and Jeno told Jaemin their true feelings. At first, Jaemin was a little weary about dating Renjun and Jeno again but they promised that things will be different this time and that included them not only telling their parents and the whole school as well.

First was the parents, it was a lot easier than they excepted, they were all nervous but they knew that they wanted their parents on their sides when it came to their relationship. Honestly it was kind of funny when Jaemin thinks back to the day that he brought Renjun and Jeno to his parents.


Meeting the parents was always a really scary thing especially when your parents are extremely protective of their son and that is exactly what they got when they both met Jaemin's parents.

Na Yuta and Na Sicheng looked at Renjun and Jeno the whole time, Sicheng had made ramen, kimchi and lots of meat for dinner but Renjun and Jeno hardly said anything because they were too scared especially of Yuta, the way that Yuta was looking at them made them want to disappear and never come back but they stayed because they want to show Jaemin that they have changed.

"So, I heard that you two are my son's boyfriends. Will you take good care of my baby or will I have to kick your ass to make sure that you do take good care of my baby?" Yuta asked as he cut his meat while looking at Renjun and Jeno who immediately gulped, they both thought that Yuta was very intimidating and they were kind of scared to answer the question.

"Well ... we love your son a lot and we will do anything to make sure that Jaemin is happy even if that means hurting ourselves to make Jaemin happy which I know Jaemin wouldn't do that anyways cause he is such an angel but getting back to the point, we will love and care of your son because we love him so much. We just wanted to make sure that his parents were ok with our relationship before we tell the whole school." Renjun explained as he smiled at Yuta and Sicheng. This makes Yuta and Sicheng changed immediately and they had smiles on their faces making Renjun and Jeno wonder why they found them scary, they also noticed that Jaemin got his smile from Yuta and they didn't mind that all.

After that, the dinner was a lot more cheerful and Jaemin couldn't help but feel extremely happy right.

Then they went to Renjun's family house, it was a lot easier since Kun and Hansol already knew about Renjun and Jeno's relationship, so they openly accepted Jaemin. Jeno's family immediately feel in love with Jaemin, Taeyong and Jaehyun couldn't help but baby Jaemin as soon as they met the cute boy.


Now it was time to tell the whole school about their relationship. None of them were nervous, because they knew that their friends will always love them no matter what. So they walked up onto the stage that had a bunch of mics (The school allows the kids to either sing/rap or ask/tell people things that they want, it's weird but they enjoyed telling people things that they didn't except.)

Everyone was looking at them, because first Jaemin was with them and a lot of people shipped the 3 of them together and two because most of them were confused as to why they were up there.

"Hello everyone, you may know all of this but I'm Lee Jeno and this is my boyfriend Huang Renjun. The only reason that we are up on this podium or um stage is tell you all that Na Jaemin is ours, so to all of those people who have been trying to ask Jaemin out, just so you know that Jaemin is now our boyfriend so back the fuck off and leave our baby alone." Jeno said as he kissed Jaemin's cheek making Jaemin giggle cutely as he blushed. The whole school went slight before suddenly everyone had gotten up and started clapping and cheering 'NORENMIN' many times.

They were happy that everyone accepted them, of course there were a few people who were salty that they couldn't have Jaemin but other then that everyone was happy.

And Na Jaemin is no longer a mess like before.

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