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Jaemin knew exactly what was going on. 

He knew that Renjun and Jeno were on a date.

He knew that he was basically their hoe who they call whenever they don't want to see each other.

He knew everything and honestly it hurts so much, he wants to stop it all and just end their relationship but every time he tries to do it, it never comes out. He loves both of them so much that it hurts and he just wants to end all the pain that he is in.

He just wants it all to end.

That night, he thought about all the things that could possible happen but in his eyes, he just wanted to be happy again without Renjun and Jeno. 

He knew that it was going to hard, you know. Having to date two people at once while they are both dating which meant that someone would end up getting hurt but Jaemin never knew that it would hurt this much.

He had already talked to Donghyuck about this and he was totally honest with him and told him that he should just let them go and that is what he was going to do.

He doesn't feel loved at all, he feels as if he was just some toy that they call when they want to have fun and that's what hurts him the most.

That night, Jaemin went to sleep with tears in his eyes.


The next morning was terrible for Jaemin having to wake up knowing that he was going to have to break it off with both Renjun and Jeno but what did put a smile on his face was when he saw Donghyuck running towards him.

His friends were making him smile and Jaemin knew that he wouldn't be alone.

"How are you feeling Nana?" Donghyuck asked as he hugged Jaemin's back making Jaemin laugh.

"Not good but I just want to be happy, you know and right now I'm not happy." Jaemin explained as he smiled at Donghyuck but his smile didn't reach his eyes and it was understandable, Jaemin was going to break up with his boyfriends and that is not something that was easy.

"It's going to be ok Nana, just go with your gut. Sometimes your heart wants something but your head wants something else, so just do what you want to do." Donghyuck said as he smiled at Jaemin which made Jaemin smile widen. Donghyuck always knew how to make him feel better and that was why they were best friends.

"Thanks Duckie." Jaemin said as he walked to his locker and once again there was a small note in his locker with a teddy bear but it wasn't just any teddy bear, it was Ryan,  Jaemin's favorite teddy bear. This made Jaemin smile more, it wasn't because of the note but it was because of his new teddy bear.

He knows that he won't be falling in love with anyone, anytime soon because he was still in love with Renjun and Jeno, so he immediately throw the note anyway not realizing that someone was looking at him the whole time with a frown on his face.

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