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Jeno knew that he was next, if Jaemin was breaking up with Renjun then there was no way that Jeno would get off the handle, it's unfortunate that they had to do their love like this but Jeno loves both of them and he doesn't want to let any of them go.

He knows that he is being extremely selfish and he wanted both of them no matter what. Jeno couldn't stop thinking about what had happened and it almost made him sick, so Jeno did the only thing that he knew would calm him down, he went out to get himself a drink.

But unlike most times when he went to go and drink, he wasn't able to stop drinking. Usually Jeno knew exactly when to stop drinking but today, he didn't stop drinking which left him extremely drunk when he finally decided to leave his house.

His parents are barely home, so he knew that they wouldn't notice something missing from their wine cooler. Jeno just walked and walked before he even realized that he was already at Renjun's house, in the house was only Renjun anyways but it was 1:00 in the morning and he was standing outside of Renjun's house.

"J-junnie open up!!" Jeno yelled out knowing very well that Renjun's house was a house that no one went to, because his parents were rich and unless you are someone that the Huang's know then you will be able to go in.

"What the fuck Jen? Do you know what time it is?" Renjun said as he opened the door, there Jeno saw how sad and wrecked Renjun was after the break up.

"I wanted to tell you how I truly feel. Maybe I should go inside and tell you." Jeno said as he leaned on one of the pillars that was outside of Renjun's house.

"Um sure come on in." Renjun said in a confused tone but allowed Jeno into his house, he knew that Jeno was drunk so he gave Jeno some water and waited till Jeno actually started talking instead of himself talking first.

"Jun, I cheated on you with Nana," Jeno signed knowing that everything was finally coming out.

 "I love both of you so much that I didn't realize when I made me and Jaemin have a secret relationship that it would only end up hurting all of us, because I wasn't sure how you would feel but then I saw what happened in the park and I finally decided to tell you the truth. I just wanted to say that I'm sorry that I ruined our relationship and I hope that you will be able to forgive me." Jeno explained but halfway there the speech, he couldn't help but burst into tears. He hurt the two people that he actually ever cared about and now he of all people was crying.

"Oh Jen, it's ok because I did the same thing. You were the best boyfriend that I could ever have and if you want to break up then we can do that but God I love you and Jaemin so much." Renjun said as he cuddled up next to Jeno who immediately hugged Renjun and smiled finally feeling like he had a weight lifted from his shoulders but he in his head knows that Jaemin will also break up with him as well.

"I love you so much Jun." Jeno said as he kissed Renjun's head before passing out. 

"I love you too." Renjun whispered as he went to asleep as well.

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