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Jaemin has been a mess now of days after the break ups that he had to do, but the only solid thing that has been happening was that his secret admirer has been coming over to him more often. Everyday Jaemin would read the note that he or she wrote for him along with the item that he or she has bought and he always ends up blushing. 

Jaemin wants to find out who his secret admirer so badly but at the same time, he hopes that this person won't break his heart again. He's already a mess right now, he doesn't want to become even worse.

So when Jaemin saw the note and flowers in his locker, he couldn't help but smile. Once he read the note, he felt weird. He wanted to find out who this person was but at the same time, he was sad that this person will officially stop sending him gifts and sweet messages.

This note said,

'Hello cutie. 

This is the last time that I will be giving you any notes but that's only because I want to meet you face to face. I want to see your beauty up close and I want to hear your soft voice when you talk.

So this is the last time that I will be sending you any kind of notes.

Tomorrow at the park, meet me at 4:00 right after school and I bet you'll love who you see when you meet me.

See you later cutie.'

Like I was saying, Jaemin wasn't sure if he was happy or sad about this but he was excited to finally meet his secret admirer in the flash.

Jaemin has been avoiding Renjun and Jeno, the students have noticed that Jaemin hasn't been with Noren anymore and people were confused because they knew how close Noren actually were to Jaemin, they also noticed how sad Renjun and Jeno have been and the people came to a conclusion that something happened to spilt the best friends.

No one has ever talked about it though. Jaemin's friends Donghyuck and Chenle know exactly what had happened but they just keep it to themselves like good friends would do.

But that doesn't stop Jaemin from being just as sad as Renjun and Jeno. He wished that he didn't fall in love with both of them but he has to deal with this one way or another and this is how he is willing to handle this situation.

Jaemin smiled as he held the note and hugged the note, he smiled as he smelled the nice pretty flowers and walked away to class not noticing to two boys with huge smiles on their faces.

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