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Jaemin was used to getting presents and gifts from other people, because he was the school's sweetheart but he never gotten something so nice as a expensive bracelet, the bracelet was from a very popular jewelry store and it had a small note with it.

'Hi, Cutie.

I just wanted to tell you how pretty you are and to show you how pretty you are, I decided to give you this extremely expensive bracelet but this is just the beginning of everything.

I won't tell you who I am but I just wanted to tell you that you are so beautiful.

From Your Secret Admirer.

Honestly Jaemin was shocked that someone put this much work into showing him how pretty he was but at the same time Jaemin didn't really like this at all, he didn't want boys wasting money on him but he decided to keep the gift, because the person who gave it to him was someone who he probably didn't know.

"Hey Nana, what's that?" Chenle asked as he sat next to Jaemin in Dance class, the same class that Renjun and Jeno are in but they haven't walked in yet.

"Oh someone gave this to me, my secret admirer or something." Jaemin said as he started to play with Chenle's hair while Chenle allowed him to do so. Jaemin has always been that way, he loved to play with Chenle's and Jisung's hair but Chenle allowed him to do it more than Jisung.

Jaemin started hearing whispers, so he turned around and saw Renjun and Jeno, the power couple and even worse Renjun had hickeys all over his neck and he was slightly limping. 

Jaemin isn't jealous though, he just feels left out, he feels that he is just breaking the amazing relationship that they already have and that makes him feel even worse. They didn't even notice Jaemin's sad face when they sat next to Jaemin and Chenle, because they were enjoying each other's company.

"Nana, what's wrong? Your usually excited for dance class." Chenle spoke as he touched Jaemin's head to see if Jaemin was sick and that was what made Renjun and Jeno turn around to listen to the conversation, they realized that Jaemin looked sad but they weren't sure why.

"I'm just tired Lele, no need to worry." Jaemin lied as he fake smiled but Renjun and Jeno saw threw it, Chenle didn't though and immediately nodded and smiled.

Jaemin looked away from Renjun and Jeno, he cuddled into Chenle and sighed when he felt Chenle hug him as he slowly fell asleep.



Before Renjun and Jeno walked into dance class, they decided to have a little fun. They were horny as fuck, especially after seeing Jaemin this morning. Jeno grabbed Renjun and threw him against the bathroom wall then he locked the bathroom door, he walked back to Renjun and started making-out with him, he heard all of Renjun's cute moans and that immediately him hard.

"Fuck baby, moan a little louder just for me to hear." Jeno groaned out when Renjun had started rubbing Jeno's clothed cock with his knee.

"Yes daddy." Renjun hummed when he felt Jeno start to grind their clothed cocks together making him moan and whine. Jeno loves hearing Renjun's moans and it felt like he hadn't heard them in such along time.

Jeno picked Renjun up and started grinding onto his cock a little faster, his cock getting harder and harder the more he grinds on Renjun's body. his cock had a pool of pre-cum coming out but he didn't want to stop and take off their clothes.

"Daddy, clothes off please." Renjun moaned out as he yanked Jeno off of his body and take off his clothes which lead to Jeno doing the same thing. Renjun saw how hard Jeno was and he couldn't help but giggle.

"If you want daddy, you can fuck my thighs." Renjun suggested as he smirked knowing that Jeno wanted this just as much as him.

"Don't mind if I do." Jeno said before going behind Renjun and went in between Renjun's legs, he made Renjun close his legs on his cock and it felt so good already, maybe not as good as being in Renjun or Jaemin's hole but this will have to do for now.

"D-did I do it right?" Renjun asked because this was his first time doing sex like this and he wasn't sure if he was doing it right.

"F-fuck yes baby." Jeno groaned as he started thrusts in and out of Renjun's thighs, his pace was already really fast and they were kind of skipping 3rd period which was history but at this point neither of them really care.

Renjun started moaning at the feeling of Jeno's cock being so close to his hole, but he did enjoy the feeling of Jeno's cock rubbing against his thighs. Jeno's pace was slowly getting faster, as Jeno tried to get to his high, Jeno's eyes were closed as he continued to fuck Renjun's thighs. 

He grabbed Renjun's medium cock and started stroking his cock to the pace that he was fucking Renjun's thighs, he heard Renjun's pretty moans and it made him go even faster. Jeno groaned when Renjun pressed his thighs even harder around his cock, he stroked Renjun even faster which lead to him coming into Jeno's hand while Jeno came onto his thighs. 

They were both panting but they knew that they had to clean up before they go to dance class and that's exactly what they did.

But Jeno couldn't help but think about Jaemin and how his moans sound, he heard some of them already whenever he kisses his neck but he wants to hear more.

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