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Jaemin was ready to go to the park, he actually went home first to get himself fixed up. He was drained after school especially after P.E. but unlike other people Jaemin actually enjoys P.E. which is why he was all sweaty and plus he was excited to finally met his secret admirer, he has been wondering who his secret admirer was all day, his friends Donghyuck and Chenle have been looking at him weirdly all day because one second Jaemin was crying about having to break up with Jeno and Renjun but now he was smiling and in a daze.

Jaemin walked to the park with a huge smile on his face and from afar he could see something but he wasn't sure what it was, for a second he thought that he saw balloons but once he was close enough he realized that the balloons said We're sorry which severely confused Jaemin, he sat down on the bench and smiled when he saw all of his favorite food.

Jaemin heard someone walking towards him and when he turned around, his smile immediately fell and he had the most confused look on his face.

"J-jeno, Renjun what are you guys doing here?" Jaemin said in a soft voice but it was only because he was well aware of the fact that he might start crying again.

"Jaemin, we have something to tell you. So please just hear us out?" Renjun said as he sat on Jaemin's right while Jeno sat on Jaemin's left, they both immediately grabbed Jaemin's hands making sure that he won't runaway before or after they finish their speech, they could see Jaemin's flustered face and it made both of them smile knowing that Jaemin still had some kind of feelings for them.

"O-ok just make it quick." Jaemin mumbled as he stared up at the sky waiting to hear what Renjun and Jeno have to say. Renjun and Jeno both looked at Jaemin for a while before actually talking just being amazed by how beautiful Jaemin was.

"We wanted to say that were sorry. We know how much pain you felt when you saw us walking down the school hallway without you, we know that whenever we were together you were crying in the arms of either Donghyuck or Chenle and we're sorry. We just love you so much and we weren't sure how everyone would react when they see us together but now we know that we should have just been with you all together especially now. Which is why we are here to tell you that we are your secret admirer." Jeno explained as he held Jaemin's hand tightly while Jaemin was in complete shock, he did not see this coming at all and he felt like crying again.

"W-why?" Was all that Jaemin could say as he looked down at his feet.

"Because we love you Jaemin and we are going to make you realize how much we truly love you back starting right now." Renjun said as he softly grabbed Jaemin's chin and kissed him which is something that he has been wanting to do ever since they broke up.

"W-wow." Jaemin said as he looked at Jeno who immediately kissed his lips as well. At this point, Jaemin's lips were extremely swollen from being kissed and bitten by both Renjun and Jeno.

At the end of the day, Jaemin was finally actually smiling. 

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