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Jeno and Renjun's next days were horrible without Jaemin, they still had sex and they still loved each other so much but they knew that they were missing something and that was Na Jaemin. They miss Jaemin, they love Jaemin so much that it hurts and now they just want their baby to come back to them.

But they knew that they probably lost their chance to be with Jaemin and that's way they came up with a back-up plan. 

They both weren't jealousy when they found out about the secret admirer because they were the secret admirer. It started with Jeno, he was the one who bought Jaemin that extremely expensive bracelet and he was also the one who wrote the note. Jeno knew that sooner or later Jaemin was going to realize that this was too much of a mess and leave, though Jeno didn't think that Jaemin was also Renjun, he knew that Jaemin knew that he was dating someone. So when Jeno found that out, he decided to tell Renjun about everything and his plan to get both of them with Jaemin but for them to still be together.

Renjun's first reaction when he heard about the secret admirer was jealousy until he found out that Jeno was the one who was the actually secret admirer, they decided to work together to get Jaemin back and now they were about ready to give Jaemin the final letter along with the pink flowers that they got for Jaemin, because they knew that Jaemin loves pink and flowers.

They knew exactly what they wanted to say but they knew that they couldn't write that on paper, they were going to do it up close and personal or otherwise known as face-to-face.

Renjun and Jeno were really excited and nervous to write the last note, especially because it would be the last time that they do something like this. Some people say that it's much easier to just write out your feelings but right now Renjun and Jeno don't have much to say and they just want their Jaemin back.

So with a heavy heart they wrote the finally words for their letter and put both the letter and the flowers into Jaemin's locker hoping that everything will turn the way that they want it to be which is they being with Jaemin openly. 

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