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Jaemin sat down on one of Renjun's couches as he waited for Renjun to start talking. The plan was to find out what happened at the party but now things are different.

First, Jaemin has a whole make-out session with Jeno and now this. Jaemin's a mess and he isn't sure if he will be able to clean himself up.

I mean what am I thinking? Getting in between a couple like this. Saying yes to Jeno after he asked me to his boyfriend even though he already has a boyfriend. Jaemin believes that he is losing his mind, because any other person would have said no and that he has a boyfriend but he said yes and now he's in Renjun's apartment and he isn't sure of what to think now.

"Baby, do you know when I started liking you?" Renjun said as he finally got into his Livingroom to start talking but now instead of wearing what he had on before, he was wearing a hoodie and shorts. Jaemin couldn't stop looking at him, he knew it was wrong to fall in love with both boys but he couldn't help it especially when they are both so handsome.

"N-no, when did you start liking me then?" Jaemin asked back as he tried to get comfortable but instead he was pulled onto Renjun's lap making him swallow his saliva, he could see and feel Renjun and what he was trying to do but Jaemin didn't want it to stop.

"I started liking you when we first meet. I remember that you were kind of pissed that day but you still managed to put a pretty smile on your face, you know your smile is the prettiest smile that I have ever seen." Renjun said as he started stroking Jaemin's sides making him feel something that he has never felt before.

"T-thank you Junnie." Jaemin replied back as he smiled at Renjun who continued to stare at his face. Jaemin could see Renjun moving forward, so he just decided to make the move first, he leaned into Renjun and kissed him.

Jaemin could see that Renjun was a bit surprised but immediately started kissing him back, Renjun grabbed Jaemin's body tightly and slowly started to touch Jaemin's stomach as he also started to bit and lick Jaemin's neck just like Jeno did.

"Hah, ahh J-junnie." Jaemin moaned out as he held onto Renjun's shoulders but he still aloud Renjun to do when he wanted and for the first time in his life, he wasn't thinking about the pain that all 3 of them could possible have, if this ended badly, he was thinking about the fact that he has his two crushes as boyfriends now.

Jaemin just hopes that everything will turn out ok.

"Nana, will you be my boyfriend?" Renjun asked as he left his face against Jaemin's neck as he continued to kiss Jaemin's neck.

"Y-yes I will." Jaemin said as he threw his head back and moaned when Renjun pinched his nipple, at this point Jaemin was trying his best not to cum. This is Jaemin's first experience with this and Jaemin wasn't sure how to tell Renjun or Jeno.

"What's wrong Nana? You seem worried." Renjun asked as he held Jaemin's face into his hand.

"Jun, I'm a virgin and I think that we should take things slowly, you know. I just don't want you to get mad, because of this." Jaemin explained as he hid his face into Renjun's neck which made the boy laugh at how cute Jaemin was being.

"I wouldn't be made. This is what a relationship is about talking things out and shit like that." Renjun said as he kissed Jaemin's lips one more time before Jaemin looks at the time only to realize that he should probably go back to his dorm. Jaemin gave Renjun one last kiss before he left with a huge smile on his face, he couldn't help but feel happy, but at the same time he just hopes that nothing bad will happen.


Renjun smiled to himself thinking about the fact that he now has Jaemin. He has always loved Jaemin even though he was dating Jeno. Dating Jeno did do a lot of good things for Renjun though, he found out how love can simply form but then go away, because slowly Renjun's love for Jeno is slowly going away but Renjun doesn't want to tell Jeno that, because he knows that not only does he still love Jeno but he knows that Jeno still loves him as well.

Renjun wasn't sure how to feel when he saw Jeno hanging out with Jaemin too much but then slowly, he started falling for the boy with the bright smile, he just wants Jaemin all to himself but he still wants Jeno as well.

Was Renjun being selfish?    Yes

Did Renjun want to be loved by both of them?    Yes

And that is what he is going to do. He just hopes that him cheating on Jeno doesn't come out, because he still loves him and he loves Jaemin, so he just hopes that everything will be ok.

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