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Jaemin was having an even harder time trying to break up with Jeno.

Jeno was his first love and he will always be his first love. So this was hurting him even more than anything at this point, he knows that the love that he was having with Jeno was probably fake but he can't help but feel like he will be missing something for a really long time.

But he knows that he has to do this for himself. So Jaemin decided to break up with Jeno only a few days after he broke up with Renjun, so then he can calm his already hurt heart from what is about to happen.


The morning that Jaemin was going to break up with Jeno, he ended up getting another letter and this time it has a initial on it.

'Hello again my cutie,

Today I have decided to give you a clue as to who I am and your clue is just a simple letter.

My name has a R and a J in it.

I hope you are feeling ok and I hope you know that you are beautiful no matter what, I also happened to by you some sugar cubs because I know how much you like them.

Have a nice day baby.'

Jaemin honestly was confused, because so many people in school had R's and J's in their names but Jaemin was finally ready to do what he was supposed to do and that was finally break up with Jeno.

He knows that it's going to hurt but he has to do this or at least that was what his head and heart were telling him.

That day, Jaemin walked to school and immediately went to go and find Jeno which didn't take that long because Jeno had grabbed his hand and pulled him into an empty classroom.

"Hey Nana." Jeno said as he smiled but the smile didn't reach his eyes, this only happens when Jeno is either sad or mad.

"Hey. I'm just going to go right to the point, Jeno I'm breaking up with you. Honestly Jeno, I love you so much but this whole hiding our relationship thing that we are doing is only hurting me more than anything right now. I love you so much and I hope that you will be able to understand where I'm coming from." Jaemin stated as tears started falling from his eyes but when Jaemin looked up, he saw Jeno smiling but it wasn't his usually smile, it was a sad smile.

"I understand but can I get one last kiss before we walk away?" Jeno asked as he lightly grabbed Jaemin's wrist and how much Jaemin wanted to say no but he couldn't, he wanted to kiss Jeno one last time before he walked away.

"Yes we can." Jaemin said as he slowly walked closer to Jeno and kissed his lips, they stayed like that for a while before Jaemin let go of Jeno and the kiss that they had on each other, Jaemin's tears couldn't stop rolling from his eyes and from the corner Jaemin could see that Jeno was crying too.

"Goodbye Jen." Jaemin said as he wiped his tears and walked away from Jeno.

Jaemin couldn't handle going to school that day, so he went to his dorm and told Chenle to tell him all of the things that he missed, so then he could do them at his dorm but right now Jaemin just needs a break.

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