02 // the three musketeers

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Mia couldn't hide the confusion on her face as she stared at the boy in front of her. Why was he looking at her like that? Did they used to know each other? If they did, she was certainly going to feel like a rat for not remembering him.

"I'm sorry," Mia began, "but do we know each other?"

The boy got to his feet, smiling from ear to ear. "Mia, it's me. Scott."

Her eyes widened in disbelief as the name registered in her mind. At first she thought there was no way that this guy was the same boy she'd spent the majority of her childhood with. But as she paid closer attention to his facial features, he began to look all too familiar. The eyes, the skin, the crooked jaw. They were all the same.

"Scott?" she whispered, stunned by her realization.

He nodded vigorously, his smile still as wide as can be. Mia let out a squeal that sounded similar to the noise pigs make when they're excited and threw herself at him, wrapping her arms around his neck and hugging him close. Scott couldn't help but chuckle when he noticed her murmuring "Oh my God" a couple thousand times into his shoulder while he squeezed her tightly. Mia pulled away but she never stopped looking at his face. Then suddenly they were both talking at once, neither one understanding what the other was saying because they were so overcome with excitement.

All of the chattering and jumping around the two were doing caught Stiles' attention, who was down the hall with Kira and Malia. His face contorted in confusion as he watched Scott talk excitedly with some random girl he was sure he'd never seen before. She was petite with long, dark, curly hair, and she was wearing a dress that flowed around her, stopping just above her knees. He wasn't close enough to tell for sure, but from where he was standing, she looked beautiful.

"Who is that?" Kira asked, peering past the students who were blocking their view of the encounter.

"I don't know," Stiles responded. "Neither of you have seen here before?"

Kira shook her head. "No, but it sure seems like Scott has," she mumbled.

"Maybe Lydia knows her," Malia suggested. "She looks like the type of girl that she would hang out with."

Stiles had to agree with her there. Although it wasn't fair to judge someone based solely off of their appearance, this girl looked like she could be the queen bee of anything if she really wanted to be, and being a leader was practically Lydia's expertise. They'd definitely roll with the same people.

Unfortunately, Lydia was not in school today so asking her was out of the question. Scott and the girl were still talking, so Stiles decided to approach them and find out what was going on. As he got closer to the pair, he suddenly could not keep his eyes off of the mystery girl. Out of the blue, she began to look familiar to him and he started to feel like he should know her, but he couldn't for the life of him understand why. He had never seen her before today. Right?

He got close enough to place his hand on Scott's shoulder, causing him to jump from the sudden contact. Stiles' eyebrows rose as he began questioning his friend.

"What's all of the excitement about?" he asked.

Scott's smile grew wider as he looked between his two best friends. They were all reunited, and Stiles didn't even realize it.

"Stiles, thi-"


The mystery girl appeared to be shocked, her eyes wide and mouth slightly agape. Stiles looked at her weirdly, confused by her outburst.

"Yeah, that's my name," he said cautiously. "I know it's a bit weird, but, uh. . Scott, who is this?" He turned towards his best friend. "What's going on?"

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