the sandbox // the three musketeers

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*A/N* Hey guys! This is not an actual chapter of endgame. This is a little short about the kids when they were little. It's my sister's thirteenth birthday, and she loves these. She actually helps me come up with the ideas for these little one shots, so I decided to post one for her. I'll be posting a regular chapter of Endgame later this week. Hope you enjoy this in the mean time! If you want to see a few more of these, there's two others posted under "The Three Musketeers" on my page.



Mia felt as content as a four year old could be, sitting in her favorite sandbox with her two best friends, Scott and Stiles. It was a Saturday, her favorite day of the week because there was no school, and she could play with the boys all day. First they had lunch at Stiles' house. The boys ate bologna and mayonnaise sandwiches, but Mia thought bologna tasted like sweat, so she had grilled cheese instead. Then the kids decided they wanted to play at the park. Scott had new shovels and pails, and he was itching to try and build a sand castle. Mia was excited because she had never built one before, so they left, and now here they were.

So far their attempt at making a sand castle was failing. Its towers were either too small or they fell apart. Stiles said they needed water to help it stick together, but they had none. Scott suggested using their spit, but Mia thought that was too gross, so they gave up.

Jake, some kid the boys knew, came over wanting to show them a new remote control car he had gotten. The boys wanted to check it out, but Mia wasn't interested, so she stayed in the sandbox, creating a moat to surround their pitiful castle.

As she was playing on her own, another kid climbed into the sandbox. Being as shy as she was, Mia really wasn't good at talking to new people, so she continued to play on her own. But the kid had other ideas. Without even introducing himself, the boy plopped down next to her and grabbed the shovel she was playing with.

"Hey, that's mine!" she exclaimed.

The boy stuck his tongue out at her. "I'm playing with it now."

"You can't do that! I don't know you!"

"My name's Keith. Now we know each other."

Mia huffed, pure irritation present on her face. She had never had anyone take her toys before. She glanced behind her to see where the boys were. They were still busy playing with their friends car. She would have to try and take care of this kid on her own.

Keith had already settled himself down with the shovel, reaching for the bucket of sand as well. Wanting the kid to leave already, Mia grabbed the bucket and yanked the shovel from his hand, standing to her feet.

"Gimme that back!" Keith's face began to turn red as he climbed to his feet, staring her down.

"They're mine, go away!"

Keith reached forward and grabbed the toys back. "They're mine now!"

Angrier now than before, Mia pulled on the toys in the boys hands, trying to take them away from him. But he had a strong grip, and he was getting angry himself, so instead of letting the items go, he pulled them away from her, throwing them behind him before grabbing her shoulders and pushing her into the sand. The second she fell Mia began to wail, upset that she had been pushed, and in pain because she had gotten sand in her eyes.

Scott and Stiles heard the crying from across the park. They saw the kid with the toys in his hands, and Mia laying on the ground crying, and rushed over, leaving their friend Jake behind.

"What did you do?!" Stiles demanded, getting in the kids face while Scott tended to Mia.

"She was mean," Keith said. "So I pushed her."

"Well now I'm pushing you." Stiles shoved Keith hard, causing him to stumble back and fall on his butt.

"If you hurt her again, I'll push you harder."


This was supposed to be longer, but its late & I'm tired. I'll probably write an extended version of it and post it in "The Three Musketeers" another time. Hope you enjoyed it either way! Again, I'll have a normal chapter of Endgame posted later this week, but I haven't posted in a while, and besides it being my sisters birthday, I thought it'd be nice to give you guys something like this :)

Comment "the three musketeers" if you read to the end. 

Also, if you guys have any ideas for other one shots like this, let me know!


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