08 // it's always better when they know

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Stiles stood at his locker, tapping his foot anxiously as he waited for Scott to arrive. A week had passed since lacrosse tryouts, and in that span of time, Stiles and Scott suddenly found themselves co-parenting Liam Dunbar, the freshman that had gotten hurt after going up against them on the field.

Due to a near fatal incident that took place while the kid was in the hospital, Scott had to make a quick decision in order to save Liam's life. A decision that did not sit well with Stiles, but was unavoidable nonetheless.

Liam was now a werewolf, and Scott was his alpha.

In the midst of all of this, Stiles had to keep Mia in the loop without actually disclosing what was really going on. He was basically spewing lie after lie to keep her from finding out the truth, and it was not easy, especially since Mia was very curious and incredibly observant. She knew when they were bullshitting her, and he was afraid that she was going to start calling them out on it. Lying to her was harder than Stiles had expected it to be, and he couldn't help but feel like it was all going to blow up in their faces someday soon.

He hadn't been too worried about it at first, but he soon realized how much of an issue their lies were going to be when he had to explain to her why Liam was suddenly a part of their group, and where Miguel had gone.

Literally a day after Scott bit Liam, Kate decided to make her move on Derek and he changed back to his brooding, adult form. Mia noticed Miguel's absence in school and Stiles had to tell her that he moved back to Mexico with his family. It was a really shitty lie, and he could tell by the look on her face that she didn't buy it, but luckily for him, she didn't question it. She was actually more interested in knowing why Liam was following him and Scott around like a clingy puppy. Scott told her that he didn't want any bad blood between him and Liam, so they decided to be friends. He actually called himself Liam's mentor, which Stiles had rolled his eyes at, but it was kind of true. Mia still hadn't looked convinced, but just like with the Miguel incident, she didn't question it.

But Stiles knew that sooner or later she would, and he was beginning to think that they should fill Mia in on the whole supernatural aspect of their lives. He hated having to lie to her, especially since he found himself doing it so often. He always had to cover up one lie with another one, or makeup some bullshit reason about why he and Scott had to leave school in the middle of the day or why they couldn't hang out after school. There were just so many lies that it was making him sick, and he knew eventually, she was going to get hurt because of them. He knew that she deserved so much better than that. When Stiles finally spotted Scott making his way down the hall, he decided to bring the matter up with him.

"Hey, so I was just thinking about Mia and the whole werewolf thing," he started.

Scott looked at him curiously. "What about it?"

"Don't you think we should let her in on it?" Stiles asked. "You know, instead of keeping ten thousand secrets."

"No," Scott answered, shaking his head. "It's too soon to tell her. Actually, maybe we shouldn't tell her at all."

A wave of shock swept over Stiles as his friends words registered in his head. Did he really just say that?

"Why the hell not?!"

"Because I don't think she will take it very well."

Stiles leaned back against his locker, sighing heavily as he realized that Scott may be right. One thing they both knew well about Mia was that she hated secrets, and she did not take bad news well. He remembered vividly what happened when she found out that Santa Claus wasn't real. Actually, they all freaked out, but she took it the hardest. Then there was the time when he, Scott, and Lydia had a secret club that she knew nothing about. It was only for eight year olds, and because she was seven, she wasn't invited. When she found out, she was so angry that she didn't speak to them for a week.

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