09 // the way you make me feel

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Mia's hands gripped the steering wheel tightly, her bottom lip tucked between her teeth once again as she pulled out of the school parking lot and headed home. Stiles was following close behind, his beat up Jeep the only thing she could see in her rear view mirror. 

Neither one of the boys had been to her new house yet, so they thought it'd be easier if they just followed her home before going to their own places later. Scott had something come up at his job and said that he would find his way on his own, and meet them at Mia's place in half an hour, which meant that Stiles and Mia had to spend thirty minutes alone with each other.

The thought of her and Stiles being alone in her room was making Mia slightly nervous. After what happened between them in the library, she felt out of sorts. Every thought of him left her breathless, and it was exciting and distressing all at the same time. She was falling for him all over again, and she didn't know what to do.

It was almost like she never left. Like there was no gap in their friendship, and she had been in Beacon Hills the whole time. But that was far from the truth. She did leave. She was gone for five whole years, with barely any contact between her and the boys. So how the hell could these feelings for Stiles hit her full force after only a few weeks?

It didn't help that her feelings were different this time around. They were stronger, and even more intense than she could have ever imagined. When she was younger, he made her stomach erupt in butterflies, her hands would get clammy if he touched her, and when he got too close, she'd forget how to talk. 

Now her stomach still fluttered with butterflies, but his touch didn't make her jump out of her skin. It was comforting to feel his hands on her, no matter how brief of a moment it was. When they sat too close, which happened often nowadays, she wasn't the only one at a loss for words. Before it was because he made her nervous, but now it was because she got lost in his eyes. She wondered if it was the same for him.

Every time he talked, he had her full attention, no matter what he was rambling about. His voice was much deeper now that they had gotten older, and she had no idea that she'd like the sound of it so much. Same goes for his laugh, and just any noise he made in general.

His imperfections only added to his charm. The moles on his body that seemed to multiply everyday, the way he'd fidget whenever he became anxious or restless, his spastic outbursts, and never-ending babbling, it all only made her love him more.

Love. The moment that word popped in her head, Mia nearly swerved off the road.

It was ridiculous. An utterly ridiculous thought that only entered her mind because her feelings were beyond overwhelming. She definitely was not in love with Stiles. She liked him, she liked him a lot, and she cared deeply about him, but love was a bit far fetched, wasn't it?

Her mind wandered to him again as she got closer to her destination. She couldn't stop thinking about the way he moved, how he was completely oblivious to the fact that he was insanely gorgeous and he didn't need a body full of muscles to prove it, and she knew that if he ever kissed her, she'd go weak in the knees and collapse in an embarrassing heap on the ground because it would be that amazing.

She let out a frustrated groan, letting her head fall back on the head rest as thoughts of Stiles surrounded her. 

"God, I'm in too deep."

♔ ♔ ♔ ♔ ♔ ♔ ♔ ♔

Her room was different. Of course he expected it to be, considering she wasn't a little girl anymore, but it was still strange to see.

He had vivid memories of her old room and her old house. Her walls had been painted a bright pink with white accents. It was so pink, Stiles remembered being able to see the color clearly even in the dark. Now her room was a light purple color with touches of white all around. The over-sized windows allowed for sunlight to pour in, casting a nice glow around the place.

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