12 // secrets & lies

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"Scott, it's alright, I understand. Another time."

Mia gripped at her scalp, her fingers gliding effortlessly through her silky locks as she tossed her phone on her bed. Frustration filled her to the brim, coupled with a twinge of sadness that left her heart feeling half-full. She realized she had plenty to be happy about lately, but part of her could not be satisfied. 

Now that she'd been back in Beacon Hills for a bit, Mia had found herself stuck in the same routine. It had nearly been a month since her return, and everyday was similar: wake up, go to school, spend a few fleeting moments with her friends, do homework, then go to bed. Simple, easy. . . boring. 

It was the same thing everyday, and everyday she felt even less content than the last. It has been discouraging for her to realize that she and her friends weren't ever going to be the way they were before, and she knew that she shouldn't expect anything more than what she had already been given, but she was beyond hopeful and utterly foolish believing that they could start right where they left off. It felt like they had done just that at first. The first week back was the best of her life but after that everything started to simmer down fast.

After last weeks attempt at truly reconnecting with Scott & Stiles failed, she was hoping to get another shot at it. Although her and Stiles had spent plenty of time alone together (and recently acknowledged the attraction between them), she hadn't really gotten that same chance with Scott. Once upon a time they were closer than twins in the womb, but now she couldn't feel farther away from him. There was a distance between her and the boys, and even Lydia, that she couldn't quite put into words.

On the surface everything seemed fine; she'd been woven into their little group of friends seamlessly, as if she had always been a piece to their puzzle. But she couldn't help but feel like she didn't belong. 

Most of the time, she felt alone. Stiles, Scott, and the others always had something else to do, somewhere else to be. For that reason, it had been decidedly difficult for Mia to spend time with her friends. 

Every time she brought up getting together after school, the boys turned her down. She couldn't help but notice how half-assed their excuses seemed to be. Like they were thinking off the top of their heads.

Like they were lying.

Lydia was not any better. She was barely ever around, and if Mia wasn't aware of how insanely intelligent she was, she'd be wondering how the hell she was passing any of her classes.

This week had proven to be especially trying in terms of communication. Her whole group of friends had been in and out of classes since Monday, so it hadn't been easy to make plans with any of them. On the rare occasion that they did show up to school, everyone always ended up disappearing in the middle of the day anyway. And by everyone, she really meant everyone. Even Liam vanishes midway through school, often leaving his friend Mason on his own. 

She had actually taken to eating lunch with Mason since he kept getting left behind too, which hadn't been awful. Mia really liked him and his company was appreciated. His friends Garret and Violet weren't too bad either, but she missed her own friends immensely. She missed the boys, and she missed Lydia, who she had barely gotten to spend any time with since she came back (they have yet to reschedule that "Welcome Home" party Lydia had planned out for her. The dress she bought for the occasion was sitting in the back of her closet).

Mia kept reminding herself that everything was different now, that she shouldn't get so upset about things she couldn't change, but it was much more than that. 

She felt like she was on the outside looking in. Everyone seemed to have something going on that involved one another, but she was never included in any of it. She had never felt left out before, but in the short time that she had been home, she'd grown accustomed to the feeling.

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