00 // the beginning

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*A/N { As a prologue, I've written a couple of snippets to give you an idea of how close Mia was with Scott and Stiles before she moved }    

{ the first time }

Mia's tiny feet pitter pattered against the wood chips as she wandered around the busy playground. Her parents watched their shy little four year old observe the other kids while she stood on her own by the swing set. It was normal to be nervous around other children at that age, but Mia was making very little progress associating with even small groups of kids which was distressing because she was about to begin kindergarten in a month. Even during preschool she was very antisocial. The teachers couldn't even get her to say her own name out loud. Her parents started bringing her to the playground every weekend so she could get used to being around kids her age and hopefully make a friend. But every Saturday, she avoided the other children and ended up standing by herself near the swing set while everyone else had fun. Hopefully this Saturday would be different. Grace, Mia's mother, called up a few old friends of hers who had kids of their own and asked them to meet up at the park. Their children were a year older than Mia but at their age that shouldn't matter much.

Mia twirled a strand of hair around her little finger while she stared at the ground and kicked wood chips around. Her stomach filled with knots whenever she tried to talk to someone she did not know, and she really disliked the feeling. Most kids didn't try to talk to her anyway. If they did, she never spoke back, so they would just walk away and play amongst their friends. It seemed she was doomed to play alone forever.

Mia was so focused on the pile of wood chips she was creating that she almost didn't notice the two pairs of feet that appeared in front of her. When she looked up, she saw two boys staring right at her. They both had short dark hair and one of them was paler than the other. The pale boy had light brown eyes while his friends eyes resembled dark chocolate. They appeared to be friendly, but Mia felt uncomfortable being the target of their gaze.

"Hi Mia!" the pale boy exclaimed.

Mia's eyebrows rose in confusion. She had never seen this boy before, and yet he knew her name. Before she could turn and walk the other way, the other boy spoke.

"I'm Scott, and this is my best friend Stiles," he said as he pointed to the other boy. "Our moms are friends with your mom."

Mia glanced over in her parents direction, and sure enough she saw her mom talking with two ladies she had seen before, but only for very brief moments like at the grocery store. They were all conversating as if they were the best of friends now.

She looked at the two boys who were still standing in front of her. Her shyness was getting the best of her. Even though their parents knew each other she still didn't feel comfortable enough to talk to them, but she also didn't want them to go away.

"Do you wanna play with us?" the boy named Scott asked.

Mia stared from one boy to the next. Although she was still feeling quite shy, she decided to take them up on their offer. She nodded her head, letting them know that she would like to play. Scott took a hold of her hand while Stiles grabbed the other, and they guided Mia over to the jungle gym where they taught her how to swing from one bar to the next. 

They played at the park all afternoon and for the first time in her short life, Mia had made some friends. And unbeknownst to her, those two boys would become the greatest friends she would ever have.

~ 2002 ~

{ movie night }

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