01 // ass back home

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Moving has never been easy for anyone. See, the problem with moving away is that you have to pack everything you own, relocate to a new town, change schools, make new friends, and at least attempt to fit in around new people. None of this sounds like it's worth the trouble, so who would actually want to go through all of that?

Apparently, Mia Ramirez would.

Well, she didn't really want to take on the hassel of moving, it was just thrust on her by her parents. When they first told her that they would be moving once again, Mia was agitated. She had grown fond of living in New York. There was a ton of things to do there, the city was beautiful, and it actually snowed during the winter. Besides all of that, she really liked her school and the friends she had made. She didn't want to move again. She remembered very clearly how much it hurt the first time. But the next thing her parents said completely changed the way she had been feeling.

They were moving back to Beacon Hills.

The town she was born in. The town she spent the first eleven years of her life in. The town she had developed her most epic friendship in. She was going back to the place where she spent the best years of her life. 

Now as she sat at her vanity, staring at her reflection through the mirror in her family's new home, her mind raced with thoughts and worries about her first day of school. Sure she had lived in Beacon Hills before, but that was when she was little. Everyone had grown up, which meant everyone had changed. Things weren't going to be as easy as they were in the sandbox.

Her mind then wandered to the memory of her two very best friends, Scott McCall and Stiles Stilinski. There was never a day that went by where she didn't think of them. Growing up they were inseperable, so it was hard to let go when Mia had to move away. They all tried to stay in contact, but it was too hard. As they got older and became involved in activities and hanging out with friends, there was never enough time to pick up the phone and say hello. Mia didn't have a Facebook either, so there was no other way to contact each other. But now that she was back in town, the possibility of running into them was pretty high.

The only problem was that Mia was certain she wouldn't be able to recognize them anymore. Stiles and Scott had to be at least seventeen now, so there's no way they still look like wide-eyed, excited newborn puppies. Like her, they probably matured a lot.

There's even a possibility that they don't live here anymore. That would be devestating. Moving all the way back to this town just to find out the two best friends she'd ever had were no longer there. She shuddered just at the thought of that happening, then shook her silly worries away. She had no idea why she was thinking so much into this. The chances of her running into them on her first day of school were probably slimmer than she would like to believe. Honestly, what were the odds of her actually having any classes with either of those boys? Tons of kids go to Beacon Hills High School, so getting her hopes up and believing that she might actually see them today was a bit ridiculous.

Mia ran her fingers through her hair, loosening the curls she had created so they didn't appear too structured. Her stomach tightened when she glanced at her phone screen and saw the time. She had to be at school in twenty minutes. Time sure does fly.

She quickly stood up, moving to face her floor length mirror, and inspected her outfit. It was a warm day, so she decided to wear a cute, flowy, black floral dress with burgundy ballet flats. Her hair cascaded past her shoulders and her makeup was as simple as it could get. A wash of a shimmery neutral colored eyeshadow adorned her lids, as well as some mascara, a little bit of foundation, and a rosy colored lip balm to finish the look off.

Satisfied with her appearance, Mia grabbed her tote bag and car keys and headed for the door. Grace, her mother, offered her some breakfast when she passed the kitchen, but she declined, stating that she didn't want to be late on her first day. After getting a kiss from her mom, Mia marched to her car, a beautiful red SUV that took up most of the driveway, and shoved her key into the ingnition, causing the vehicle to come roaring to life.

In a matter of minutes, she was driving down a long stretch of road with the radio blaring as she mumbled the words to the song that was booming through her speakers. Her observant eyes took in every detail of her surroundings as she neared the school. She recognized so many places. The park where she had hundreds of adventures with her friends, the bakery that made her favorite cream filled donuts, and the veterinary clinic that she, Scott, and Stiles would visit after school just to play with the animals. She felt a huge wave of nostalgia wash over her as she continued to recognize more places. It seemed that Mia really was back home.

Finally, she pulled into the school parking lot. She checked her reflection in the rear view mirror before grabbing her things and hopping out of the car. As she made her way through the parking lot and to the front doors, she could already see a few people staring at her, looking her up and down as if she was some foreign speciman underneath a microscope. She hated the fact that she had to start at a new school half way through the school year for this very reason; no one liked being the new kid.

After she made it inside and got everything situated in the main office, Mia read through her student information to find her locker assignment. She spotted the number 1724 at the top of the page and quickly began her search. The hallway was crowded with students which made it difficult for Mia to attempt to find her locker. She pushed past a bunch of people and managed to make it to a slightly less populated part of the hallway where she could actually move without bumping into someone. Just when she thought she was making progress, some random kid came out of nowhere, running down the hallway as if he was in a marathon, and knocked right into her, causing her to drop her things all over the floor.

Frustrated, Mia bent down to gather her things. Of course this would happen to her on her first day in a new school.

"Let me help you with that."

She looked up to see a boy kneeling next to her, grabbing a few of her items that had scattered on the floor. He was tan with dark hair, and he had a tattoo that covered the upper part of his left arm.

"Thank you," she said, smiling warmly at the guy. 

He returned the gesture, his smile reaching his eyes as he continued to help her with her things. "Are you new here?" he asked, stretching his arm out to grab her papers. "I don't think I've ever seen you around before."

She nodded as she picked up the last of her things and shoved them into her bag. "Yeah, my family just got here last week."

Standing up, she looked down at the boy who helped her and noticed that he had the papers she had just received from the main office clutched in his hands. He was staring at the one with her personal information on it, his eyes scanning the page intently.

"Um, can I have that back now?" she asked, scratching the back of her neck.

Suddenly, the boy was looking at her as if he had known her his whole life, and not like they were strangers who just met in the school hallway.



I apologize if this was kind of boring, but it's the first chapter which always kind of serves as an introduction to the charcter so, yeah. Also, sorry that it was pretty short. Comment "Brien O'Dylan" if you read and liked this chapter, & let me know what you thought!

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