04 // brothers & sisters

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"Lydia, don't you think you're going a bit overboard?"

"I'm sorry, but when one of your closest friends returns home after five years, a celebration is completely necessary."

Mia and Lydia were wandering around a department store in the mall, browsing through racks and racks of dresses while they caught up with each other.

This was the first time the two had been together since Mia moved away, and Lydia was ecstatic. Even though they didn't run with the same crowd, the girls were close friends when they were younger. Scott and Stiles were Mia's best friends, but Lydia had never really gotten to know them that well throughout elementary school. Whenever she hung out with Mia, the boys were not around. Despite not having the same friends, Lydia adored the hell out of Mia. She was like the sister she never had, so when she moved away, she was heartbroken. She never thought she'd be that close with another girl again, but then came Allison, who, despite what any biological test would say, really was her sister. Now with her gone, Lydia was glad to have another close friend around, but her heart was aching for Allison even more than before.

She tried to push her grief aside so she could focus on what was going on now. The second she heard Mia was back in town, Lydia decided that she was throwing her a 'Welcome Home' party. In turn, she insisted that they go shopping for decorations and party dresses.

Although Mia was excited to be spending time with Lydia, she was not too keen on the idea of having a celebration because she knew that her old friend was going to want to turn it into something big, while Mia preferred things to be more low-key.

Knowing that Lydia was not going to let up on the whole party idea, Mia found a dress that she liked and, after getting Lydia's stamp of approval, she purchased it. The garment was white with lace details and hit just above her knees. She bought a pair of nude pumps and a clutch to match. Keeping in mind that they used to coordinate their outfits when they were younger, Lydia bought a dress in a similar style, except it was a light pink color that came with a darker pink belt. Happy with their purchases, the girls decided to get something to eat, so they headed to the food court and munched on pizza slices and soda while they discussed what their lives had been like for the last five years.

"You first," Lydia said, after taking a sip of her drink.

Mia let out a tiny puff of air as she started thinking about how her life had been for the past couple of years. "Alright, well, you know we moved to New York City. I made a few friends, got good grades in school. When I was up there, my parents would take me to The Falls in Long Island during autumn to go apple picking and look at the leaves change colors. I loved the snow, that's something I'm really going to miss. I played a few sports in school, kept up the singing thing, learned how to drive. Oh, and my parents had another baby."

"Really?!" Lydia exclaimed.

Mia nodded as she pulled her phone from her purse and scrolled through her camera roll to find a picture of her baby sister. Lydia fawned over every photo she showed her, already falling in love with the chubby cheeks and tiny feet.

"Her name is Emily," Mia explained. "She's four months old now."

"Well, she's adorable. Have you heard from Gavin at all?"

Mia cringed at the mention of her fathers name. Gavin was her biological dad, but that was where their relationship ended. He left her mother when he found out she was pregnant, then came back when she was two and demanded to be involved in her upbringing. By that time, Mia's mother, Grace, had married her step-father Matthew, who Mia had grown to think of as her real dad, which he was. He kept her fed, held her when she cried, made sure she was happy and that she had everything she needed. When Gavin saw that Matthew was doing a better job at being a family man than he ever could, he got jealous and wanted to assert his dominance over him, so he decided to become a part of Mia's life. However, their relationship was short-lived. All Gavin wanted was control, and when he realized that he wasn't getting anything out of being a father, he left. Mia overheard the fight he had with her parents when he said he felt no love for her, and she was left feeling heartbroken and worthless. She had not heard from him since then, and she hopes to keep it that way.

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