10 // the tickle cliche

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Half an hour passed, but Stiles and Mia barely noticed because they were so engrossed in each other. As they waited on Scott, they started reminiscing about old times again. They could tell crazy stories about their childhood for days.

There was that one time when they tried to find the north pole with their whole class (Stiles had become convinced that Beacon Hills was the starting point to a portal that would lead them there).

The time they got chased by a creepy old man on Halloween (their parents had warned them to stay in the neighborhood but they didn't listen and ended up deep in the woods on the other side of town).

Getting kicked off the bus and not being able to find their way to school (Stiles had gotten in a fight with some random kid who wouldn't stop bothering them).

That time Mia's father, Gavin, kidnapped them in the night, and left them for dead in the middle of nowhere (there's no actual evidence that he did it, but Stiles swears it was him).

The list goes on and on. There was not one dull moment when the three of them (four if you include the times Lydia was around) were together. Needless to say, they drove their parents crazy.

As they were talking, Mia had said it was hard to imagine them getting into that kind of trouble today, and Stiles agreed, but inwardly he knew she'd be surprised to find out that his life with Scott now was even crazier than their childhood.

That thought made him want to tell her the truth even more, but they were having such a great time together, he didn't want to ruin it. And he knew Scott would kick his ass if he said anything without him there.

"Remember when you had to take speech classes because you had trouble saying things. ." Stiles mentioned. He laughed as Mia groaned, watching her hide her face in her hands.

"Don't even bring that up," she responded.

His smile widened as he talked about her speech issue despite her warning. "You couldn't say anything with SH in it. Instead of shut up, you said sut up."

Mia couldn't help but giggle at the memory, but she still reached behind her to grab a pillow and whack Stiles in the face with it.

He scoffed, shaking his head as he looked at her. "You really shouldn't have done that."

She shrugged, smiling her brightest smile. "I told you not to bring it up."

"You know I'm gonna have to get you back," he said slowly.

"I'm not letting you hit me with my own pillows."

"I was thinking of using your other weakness against you."

Stiles smirked at the confused expression on her face. Before she could ask what he meant, his hands found her sides, startling her for a brief moment before realization hit her when it was too late. His fingers wiggled rapidly against her, causing her to squeal as she tried to get away.

"Stiles, no!" she shouted, uncontrollable giggles leaving her body. "Please stop!"

He laughed as he watched her squirm and continued his tickle assault. "You shouldn't have hit me."

Mia had always been a very ticklish person. There wasn't one spot of her body that could withstand the irritating sensation, no matter how hard she tried. As children, the best way to get her to reveal a secret or agree to something she had otherwise been opposed to was to tickle her. Stiles and Scott could get anything out of her that way.

Mia reached up to push Stiles away but he swatted at her hand, pinning it down near her head as his other hand continued to tickle her.

Not long after that they had collapsed in a heap of giggles, absentmindedly pressing themselves into each other. Stiles' relentless attack was over but as their laughter began to subside, they became aware of exactly how close they were.

They were panting, their chests rising and falling as they stared at one another. Neither one moved away even though they knew they should. Instead Stiles leaned in, his nose brushing against Mia's.

In that moment she forgot how to breathe. She didn't dare move for fear that if she caused any disturbance, the moment would dissolve, and she wasn't sure if she wanted that.

Absentmindedly, her hand left her side and carded through his hair, his soft, brown locks grazing her fingers. His mouth turned upwards into that small, sideways smirk she always loved, and it was then that she realized how badly she wanted to feel his lips against her own, and if he leaned in to kiss her, she would not stop him.

That thought should have scared her at least a little bit, but it didn't.

As soon as the notion formed in her mind, Stiles leaned in closer. There was very little space between them, their lips so close they were brushing against each other.

It was almost like they were playing a game; testing the waters, waiting to see who would gather up the rest of their courage and press their lips together. 

Mia felt Stiles' hand tighten on her waist as hers settled on his neck, intending to pull him down and close the last bit of distance between them. But before she could feel his  mouth on hers, the bedroom door swung open. 

There in the doorway stood Scott, his mouth slightly agape, eyebrows raised as he stared in on his two friends. When Mia had found out he was going to be late, she told him that the front door would be unlocked, and he could let himself in, making sure he knew that her bedroom was the last one on the left. Being preoccupied with Stiles had made her completely forget that he was coming at all.

Stiles and Mia quickly pulled apart, jumping to opposite ends of the bed, but Scott still saw what had been going on. His wolf senses were also picking up on how fast their hearts were beating, how they were both breathless as if they had been running a marathon, and the scent emanating from them which he could not quite make out because it was a mix of many different emotions. So many different emotions that the smell was almost overwhelming.

The room was silent as the three friends stared at one another, none of them knowing exactly how to proceed. 

"Um," Scott spoke, clearing his throat. "I uh - I think I forgot something at home, I'll be right back."

Stiles and Mia watched as he raced out of the doorway, leaving them on their own again.

♔  ♔♔♔♔♔♔♔♔♔♔♔♔♔♔♔♔♔♔

This chapter was really short and bleh, but it's been a while since I've updated. I had this in my drafts forever and finished it in school today cause I had two hours to myself (the benefits of being a college student). 

This wasn't actually how this chapter was supposed to go but this is what it became. I didn't want them to kiss, but I needed something like this to happen because we're at chapter ten and I think it's about time things between those two start to pick up just a tiny bit. I'm still not planning on them getting together till later in the story, so you'll still have to wait for that.

I really wish I was more consistent about updating for you guys, but being a writer sucks. You either have no motivation or are just lazy, and unfortunately I'm a bit of both. Mostly I lose motivation, and it's hard to force myself to write when I'm not feeling it. I think it's because I'm always trying to work on this and my other story THD, so I took a break and started writing for a different fandom on tumblr. My ideas over there flow so much better and I think its just because I need to stop trying so hard w/ my stories on here so things won't feel so forced.

I hope you guys liked this chapter! How do you think things are going to be between Stiles and Mia now? Comment "tickle cliche" below, and let me know what you thought!

P.S. Thank you so much for getting this story past 30,000 reads! You guys rock :)

Goodnight lovelies!


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