06 // his someone

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"Look, everything's going to be fine."

Stiles walked beside Scott out of the boys locker room, and on to the lacrosse field as he tried to reassure his best friend that his status on the lacrosse team was safe. Their shoes squeaked on the dewy grass as they stalked over with their equipment. The boys had arrived to school before classes started for an early lacrosse practice. Tryouts were being held that afternoon and Scott was desperate to do a few dry runs so he'd be prepared for later.

"You got your grades up like coach asked you too, right?" Stiles asked.

Scott nodded, but he still appeared to be unsure of himself. "Yes, but coach just told me to show up for tryouts. He never said that I'm still captain."

"Alright, we'll get back to that in a moment. Did you get in touch with Argent about Kate?"

Kate Argent was the packs most recent dilemma. The woman who was supposed to have died by Peter Hale's hand, was actually alive and kicking. Although Peter's scratch had initially killed her, his nails went deep enough to turn her, and now she was some kind of out of control were-jaguar who decided to roll back into town. She was also responsible for turning Derek into a 15 year old boy that currently depended on Stiles and Scott. They weren't sure where she had gone off to, but they knew that having her back in town was going to cause major problems for them, so they were trying to reach Chris to see if he could be of any help.

"Yeah," Scott responded. "I texted him."

Stiles narrowed his eyes at him, shaking his head. "Really? You texted the guy that his sister came back from the dead?"

"Hey, I would have called but I can't afford a phone call to France."

"Yeah, I guess that's going around," Stiles huffed. "Try having to pay for an MRI and a trip to Eichen House."

"Another notice?" Scott asked.

Stiles nodded. "Yeah, this one said final." He let out a deep sigh as he looked out at the field where the other players were practicing. He hated thinking about the trouble their families were having when it came to money. Melissa always worked hard to try and keep the lights on, but for some reason it was never enough. His own father had never really had too much trouble paying the bills, but then Stiles got possessed by the nogitsune, and they thought he was suffering from the disease that had taken his mothers life. Hospital bills add up.

"What the hell are we doing worrying about our status on the lacrosse team anyway, when we have one hundred seventeen million problems, and lacrosse is not one of them?" Stiles asked.

Scott was staring off at the field, his face suddenly holding a whole new look of concern. "It is now."

When Stiles turned around, he saw what had Scott so spooked. Some freshman player was giving the other guys a run for their money. "Who the hell is that?" he asked.

The guy stood in the goal with all of his gear, blocking every single ball that came flying his way. Stiles swallowed hard as he watched the kid continue to dominate the field.

"Alright, maybe we should practice a little bit."


After getting a bit of practice in, the boys changed back into their school clothes and headed off to math class. Scott was talking to Stiles about possibly needing a new part for his bike or something, but Stiles had completely blocked him out the second he saw Mia down the hall.

She stood at her locker with Lydia, her megawatt smile lighting up her entire face as she listened intently to their strawberry blonde friend speak. He watched her from afar, his own smile growing as he saw her shaking with laughter, an act that only made her beauty more evident.

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