05 // family time

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After their shopping trip, Mia and Lydia parted ways and went home to their families. When she walked through the door, Mia could hear her parents in the living room. It was almost eight o'clock, so they were probably waiting for one of their shows to come on. Instead of heading upstairs like she had planned, Mia decided to join her parents for a few minutes.

"Hey you," Matt said as she plopped on the couch, taking up the space between him and her mother.

"Where's Emily?" Mia asked, immediately noticing the absence of her fidgety baby sister.

"She's upstairs sleeping," her mother Grace answered. "That bath I gave her did her in. I just hope she doesn't wake up again until after the show is over."

One thing Mia had learned since her sister was born was that babies were very unpredictable, especially during the first few months. Her parents are trying to get Emily on a schedule now that she's getting older, but she hasn't been very cooperative.

"How was catching up with Lydia?" Grace asked.

"Amazing," Mia responded. "It was like I had never left. Talking to her is so easy, and she's still as bubbly as I remember her being, and just as demanding. She's throwing me a welcome home party tomorrow night. There was no room for objections."

"What's so bad about a party?" Matt wondered.

"Nothing now that I got Lydia to promise that only my friends will be invited."

"You mean the only two friends you have in town?" Grace asked. "Sounds like a boring party."

"Maybe to you," Mia began. "I happen to believe that you don't need fifty people to make a party fun. Less is always better."

After a brief debate on how many people have to be in attendance in order to consider any gathering a party, Mia stretched out on the couch and watched television with her parents. Moving boxes were stacked around the room, many of them still containing items that needed to be put away, and the couch they were currently sitting on was the only piece of furniture that wasn't placed haphazardly in a random part of their living space. They had only been living in their new house for a couple of days now, but the little family still had a bit of work to do. From what Mia remembered from the first time they moved, it was probably going to take her parents two weeks to actually finish unpacking. Luckily for her, she had gotten to work on her bedroom the second they arrived. She knew how uncomfortable she would feel if she was sleeping in a half finished room, so she made sure all of her stuff was put away. Her room was actually the only one in complete order.

At one point during the evening, Grace went upstairs to check on Emily, leaving Mia and Matt to keep each other company.

"Coco called while you were out," Matt said as the show they were watching went to a commercial.

Coco was Matt's mother, Charlotte, Mia's step-grandma. Ever since she was little, Mia had always called her Coco because she had asked her to. Grace and Matt are kind of young, so Coco never liked being called Grandma. It made her feel old.

"That's nice. What did she want?"

"Oh, she just wanted to check in and see how things were going. She also wanted me to remind you about the next full moon."

Mia rolled her eyes. "Really? This stuff again?"

Matt held his hands up defensively. "Hey, this is coming from her, not me. You know how she gets."

Ever since Mia was a little girl, Coco had told her stories about Beacon Hills that she always chalked up to be fairy tales. She'd tell her about the creatures of the night, and how dangerous it was for anyone to be out during the full moon. At the time, the stories had scared her, but as she got older, Mia believed Coco's stories were a bunch of crap that she told just to keep her out of trouble. When she had moved the first time, Coco stopped talking about full moons and the other legends that were apparently linked to Beacon Hills, but now that they had moved back, she was starting to rehash everything.

Right before they left New York, Coco asked Mia to heed her warning.

"Beacon Hills is a much more mysterious place than you think. Even now, more than ever. So much has changed, and not for the better," Coco stated, her voice conveying a serious tone. "Be smart, be alert, make good choices, and do not trust everyone."

Mia knew that her grandmother meant well, but she honestly didn't believe in that kind of stuff. Vampires, werewolves, ghosts, witches, and whatever other mythical creatures people believe in, none of that was real, at least not to her.

"She just wants you to be careful," Matt uttered, rejoining the conversation.

"Well she was nothing to worry about, because I am perfectly safe here. I grew up here, you and mom grew up here. How dangerous could a place like this possibly be?"

Mia barely noticed the wary gleam in Matt's eyes as he gazed at her.

"You'd be surprised."


Eeek! It has literally been months since I last updated this, so I am so sorry! I got really busy with school and finals, but that is all finished, and I am now on summer break.

I would have updated sooner, but I had a bit of writer's block, and then I got really sick. I'm just now starting to feel better. I know today isn't Monday, but I felt bad for not posting something for so long, so I decided to do it today.

Sorry if my name change confused you. I used to be nessarose27.

Look out for the next chapter on Monday (hopefully). Sorry this one is so short :/

Comment "Coco" down below & let me know what you think about Mia's grandmother and her stories. Why do you think she knows these things? And do you think Matt knows something too?

P.S. This story is almost at 7,000 reads! Thanks for that :)


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