07 // making the team

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For the remainder of class, Mia had trouble concentrating on her work. She wished she could say it was because math bored her into oblivion, but that wasn't the case. She actually kind of liked math.

It was Stiles.

He was distracting her. Not intentionally, of course. She was positive that he didn't even notice how unsettled she was.

It was his presence in general. The sound of his voice, the smell of his cologne, everything about him was invading her mind and she couldn't think about anything else. 

She found it frustrating that this could happen, especially now. She thought for sure that her old feelings for Stiles were far behind her. They spent five years away from each other. Five years without ever really talking or seeing one another, and in those five years, she had had her first real  kiss, a couple flings, and two boyfriends; throughout all of that, any thought of Stiles that had crossed her mind had been on the non-romantic side.

But now here she was, her heart racing just because his hand brushed against her own. She trembled when it happened, and she prayed that he hadn't noticed because she would be embarrassed if he did. 

Mia wanted desperately to convince herself that she was only feeling this way because she had missed him so much, but deep down, she knew that wasn't the case. It might have been easier to ignore her feelings for Stiles if he hadn't grown to be so tall and handsome, and if he wasn't so sarcastic, and adorably awkward. He was nothing like the boys she had dated, but maybe that was what she liked.

She sighed heavily, sinking deeper into her thoughts. It had been a little over a week since she returned to Beacon Hills, and she was already falling head over heels for her best friend.

Mia glanced towards Stiles, and caught him staring at his phone intently. He looked up, but not at her. She watched him meet Lydia's gaze from the front of the room. She had her phone in her hand as well, and the expression on her face was serious. Mia wondered to herself what could have possibly happened that had both of her friends looking so worried. She didn't have much time to think anymore on it because the bell had rang, and it was time to move on to second period.

She watched her friends scurry out the door as she gathered her things. Whatever was going on had them all freaked out. When she got in the hallway, Stiles, Kira, Malia, and Scott, were nowhere to be found, but Lydia was standing by the door waiting for her.

"Where did everybody go?" Mia asked.

Lydia shrugged. "Listen, something has come up and I need to go home."

"Is everything alright?"

"I'm not sure, but I am going to have cancel your party tonight. I'm really sorry, Mia."

Mia shook her head. "No, it's fine, really. We'll just have it another time."

"How about this weekend?" Lydia wondered.

"Sure, that sounds great."

"Awesome! I'll see you tomorrow."

Mia waved goodbye to Lydia, then turned down the hall in search for Scott and Stiles. She found the two of them and Kira huddled around Scott's locker.

As she got closer, she overheard Kira saying something about adults and letting them handle the situation. She saw Stiles scoff at what she said as he glanced between her and Scott.

"Let the adults handle what?" Mia asked.

Stiles shook his head, annoyed by Scott and Kira's insistence on staying out of  the most recent terrifying incident to occur in their town. A triple homicide was committed, and all they wanted to do was stay in school.

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