11 // matchmakers

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Scott left so quickly, neither Stiles nor Mia could get a word in to explain themselves. Then again, nothing they said would have helped because neither one of them knew how to put what just happened into words.

They almost kissed. Right there in the comfort of Mia's bed. 

Their proximity, the privacy, their feelings - it all helped lead them to that moment. A moment neither of them had expected to occur. But now that it had, what were they going to do about it?

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Scott got his phone out the second he left Mia's house and immediately dialed Lydia's number. Without any explanation, he urged her to meet him at the hospital as soon as she could. He was on his way there to bring his mom some food and after what he just witnessed, he really needed to talk to someone.

Due to his piss poor ability at elaborating the situation, Lydia, who was with Kira at the lake house, assumed something had happened to one of their friends. She promptly whisked Kira away and rushed to the hospital, paying very little attention to the speed limit along the way.

The moment Lydia spotted Scott in the ER waiting area, she rushed right up to him, pushing past nurses and doctors with Kira following close behind.

"Scott, is everything okay?" she asked. "Who's hurt? What happened?"

He stared back at her, bewildered. "No one's hurt, Lydia. I called you here to talk."

The worry on her face quickly changed to irritation. "What do you mean you called me here to talk? Scott, if you want to talk to somebody you ask them to meet you at a coffeehouse, not a hospital! Do you have any idea how worried I was?"

Kira stepped forward, placing her hand on Lydia's shoulder. "She ran three red lights, Scott."

"Three!" Lydia exclaimed.

"Okay, I guess I should have explained myself better," Scott stated. "I'm sorry for worrying you, but I was in a hurry and it was urgent."

"Well what's going on?"

He motioned for the two girls to follow him, leading them to an area of the hospital that was less busy so they could talk without getting in anybody's way.

Lydia and Kira looked at Scott expectantly, waiting for him to fill them in on why he summoned them to the hospital.

"I sort of walked in on Stiles and Mia kissing."

The second she heard the word "kissing", Lydia's jaw nearly dropped to the floor. "Kissing?! Oh my god, are you serious?!"

"Well, not kissing exactly," Scott corrected. "They were really close to it, though."

Lydia grabbed his arm, pulling him closer as excitement began to consume her. "Scott, are you sure you saw correctly? This isn't a game?"

He shook his head vigorously. "No, I wouldn't lie about something like this. They were practically on top of each other."

Lydia's hands flew to her mouth in an effort to prevent an uncharacteristically high pitched squeal from leaving her body. She knew this would happen. She had been trying to a keep a close eye on them since Mia came back, and right away she noticed how they acted around each other. She noticed how Stiles would linger on Mia before leaving a room, how Mia somehow managed to always have her hands on some part of him, how their eyes shined whenever they looked at one another. She noticed everything. It was like they were kids again. 

Endgame » Stiles Stilinski [REWRITING]Where stories live. Discover now