03 // miguel

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Mia sat in the back of the Jeep as Stiles and Scott whispered to each other in the front. After the three of them swam out of the river, Scott got a call from someone that turned out to be urgent. The boys were being really secretive about what was going on. The only thing they told Mia was that they were going to the sheriff's office to take care of something, but it should only take a few minutes. Afterwards, they were going to Scott's house to hang out. She didn't mind having to take a detour, as long as she got to spend time with them.

As the car came to a stop at a red light, Stiles could see Mia shivering through his rear-view mirror. The three of them were soaking wet from their little expedition, and it wasn't very warm in his jeep. Before the light could turn back to green, Stiles reached behind him to grab his hoodie, and tossed it back to her.

"Oh no, Stiles, I'm fine," she said.

"Really? In that itty bitty dress?" he retorted. "Please just put it on Mia, we don't need you getting sick already."

She mumbled a small 'thank you' as she pulled his hoodie onto her body, already feeling alot warmer from its cozy material. She couldn't help but notice how big the piece of clothing was on her. Her arms barely filled the sleeves, but she didn't mind. She also was not bothered by the fact that it smelled like Stiles, but she would keep that to herself.

A couple minutes later, they had arrived at the police station. Memories from when they were younger immediately flooded Mia's mind as they walked in the building, gaining more than a few weird looks from the officers, most likely due to their saturated appearance.

Suddenly, the sheriff came charging out of his office right towards the boys, and he did not look pleased.

"We need to talk, now," he stated, the tone in his voice demanding. Then the look on his face went from unpleasant to irritated in a split second when he saw that they were dripping water onto the floor.

"Why are you all wet?" Mr. Stilinski asked. Then he looked straight at Mia, and was about to ask who the hell she was, when he suddenly seemed taken aback by her appearance.

The sheriff stepped back into his office, then quickly returned with a picture frame in his hand. He looked down at the frame, then up at Mia, then back down again. The photo he was looking at was of Scott and Stiles when they were six, and in between the two stood a five year old Mia.

Mr. Stilinski glanced up again, this time taking in all of her facial features. "Mia?"

Mia smiled warmly at him. "Hi, Mr. Stilinski."

Stiles placed his arm around her and grinned at his father. "Dad, Mia's family moved back to town. Her first day of school was today, and we've been hanging out since we ran into her."

"Well, it's wonderful to see you again, Mia," Mr. Stilinski gushed. "I'd hug you, but uh, you know." He gestures to her wet clothes.

"It's fine, I'll get one out of you later."

Stiles turned to Mia, his arm leaving her shoulder. "Listen, my dad needs to talk to Scott and I for a few minutes. We won't be long, so just wait out here, okay?"

Mia nodded, then watched the sheriff usher the boys into his office, shutting the door behind them. She rocked back and forth on her heels while she looked around the station. The officers were busy, many of them working at their desks or responding to calls from people around the area.

While she was waiting for Scott and Stiles, Mia could feel someone staring at her. When she looked to her right, she saw a boy sitting on a bench right outside of the sheriff's office. He appeared to be around her age, with dark hair and olive skin. She would have noticed how handsome he was if he hadn't been ogling her with his eyes.

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