Chapter 8

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Chapter 8


I was not a morning person. I could never start the day until I've had at least three cups of coffee and currently I was only running on two. I always wake up at six every morning without fault but I still hated it. I was the grumpiest person alive. I need sleep. I need a coffee. My head felt like it was going to explode unless I got a Americano.

It's Sunday morning and I am waiting for Jessica for about forty minutes now.

What the hell is she doing up there? I sighed impatiently as I lent on my jeep waiting for Jessica to put her slap on.

Six hours of driving with her is going to drive me crazy. On top of that Leah was now coming. Don't get me wrong, I didn't mind that she was doing us. Quite the opposite in fact. It's just that I couldn't relax around her. I couldn't do what I needed to do with Jessica in front of Leah... her sister.

Her sister. God you really were a prize idiot Chris. I cursed to myself.

Thinking about Leah we were meant to pick her up five minutes ago and it's gonna take another half an hour to get to her.

Jessica's assistant Alice and her bellman started bring down her luggage. I popped the boot and waited in the car for her.

Pulling out my phone I decided to give Leah a call. For sum reason my finger hovered over her name before pressing call. The phone rang only twice before she picked up. On it like always.

"Hello?" she answered a little reserved and confused.

"Hey Leah its Chris" i said.

"Oh hey. I didn't recognise your number. You ok?" she said. Her voice always put a smile on my face. For reasons that he didn't understand whenever he was angry or stressed he'd call her.

We wouldn't talk for long and not really about anything that actually mattered but it relaxed me. Calmed me down.

"Yeah this is my personal phone. Feel free to call me on this out of the office" damn was that a little forward. Suggesting that she'd have a reason to call me outside of work.

Hell, she won't think that. Not now that I'm 'dating' her sister. She'd think i'm just being friendly. Maybe.

"I'm just waiting for your sister to get ready. I'm afraid we're going to be a bit late" I said rubbing my sleepy eyes in annoyance.

"That's fine. I'm sure I can find something to do for a bit. I was thinking of going down to the cafe outside do you what a coffee?" she asked.

She was an angel! My angel.

"That would be great" I said with the biggest grin on my face.

Still on the phone with Leah, I heard Jessica get in the car cursing and fussing.

"I hate this car, it's too big" she said. I just rolled my eyes at her.

"Right she's here we're on our way" I let Leah know sad that the conversation had to end there already.

"Ok, I'll see you soon" Leah said.

"Bye" I said hanging up the phone.

"Who was that?" Jess asked. She leans over and kisses me. I looked over at her and took in the way she looked. She was wearing a short shirt with a low cut top and high heels. It was a little over the top, for just sitting in the car for six hours.

Even I was wearing jeans and a white top and I never dressed casually. She looked like she was about to go on a night out. I knew she had to always be photo ready being a runway model in case the photographers were around to get a cheap shot but I don't think her fans would care if she lowered the tone for once. For a car ride.

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