Chapter 42

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Chapter 42


"That's for me to know and you to have to wait" he smirked. What did that mean? He was truly driving me mad. I mean we've only been together a WEEK and we're already talking about being married! That's crazy but I just thought over what he just said "You'll just have to wait"


Does that mean he even knew when he was doing or just waiting for the future?

"Fine. Just keep in mind no girl can wait forever" Did I just say that? Oh God how embarrassing. I turned away quickly before seeing him smiling closing the door behind him. It scared me how open and natural I'm finding myself being around him.

I feel like I could say anything and he wouldn't think badly of me. But that still doesn't stop me from getting embarrassed.

Oh God, I'm crazy!

I'm the girl whose never had a relationship with a guy, never made a full-time commitment with anybody or anything! I don't even like that I have a phone contract for eighteen months, what if I don't want my phone anymore or my phone doesn't want me and we just don't work out.

The commitment is too much to deal with.

I wouldn't stop loving my phone but what if my phone stops loving me?

I've never been in a relationship but I knew from watching TV and reading novels that things don't go this fast so quickly.

Oh God! I've just compared my love life to my phone contract! That just shows how crazy I have become.

Oh, I don't care! I want to start living in the moment and stop questioning everything. I want to enjoy every moment for the rest of my life with Chris.

With that new look on life, I thought it was best to start getting ready.

After kicking Chris out the bathroom and minutes later I had finished my hair leaving it down and wavy and my make-up was done. I was wearing the only other dress I brought with me. I t was only a simple dark red chiffon dress flows down above my knees and some black heels and bag.

They're DONE!

I hope I looked good enough to be next to Chris. Opening the room I walked out to see him twiddling his hands as he waited. When he saw me he slowly raised from his chair, just staring at me. I could see the lust in his eyes as I saw him look me up and down, which I took as a good sign. He still hadn't moved or said a thing as I moved closer to him laughing softly.

"Hey good looking you come here often?" I joked looking him up and down. I had to bit my lip hard as I took in his jet black tux and tie which I started playing with pulling lightly through my fingers. His large arms and shoulders fit the suit perfectly and showed every mussel on him. I just wanted to rip the suit from his body.

"You know, you shouldn't be looking at me like that, my girlfriend will come out here any moment" he joked wrapping an arm around my waist.

"Oh, really and what's she like this girlfriend of yours?" I played along.

"She's perfect, funny, sweet, fine with the most beautiful smile I've ever seen and thinks I'm the most handsome man that ever walked the planet" he smirked.

"Oh sorry you didn't tell me she was blind" I joked feeling him tickle me in the ribs. "I mean she's right you are very handsome, she's a very lucky girl" I grinned at him.

"No I'm the lucky one," he said as his lips met mine.

The kiss felt like it lasted only half a second as he pulled back, leaving me feeling hot and wanting nothing more than to have his lips back on mine.

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