Chapter 34

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Chapter 34


We tumbled onto the bed kissing with arms tangled around each other.

Her hands covered over my muscles, on my back and her hips pressed into mine. I wanted to be even closer to her, surrounded by her desire. I pressed my body into hers and I heard her moan in reply as I rolled to my side pulling her with me. My hands tugged at her ankle dragging her leg

Around my hip.

My lips where still attach to hers the whole time then moving to nibble on her earlobe softly.

"Chris!" she moaned again exciting every core.

The robe she was wearing started to loosen and rise up her thighs until my hands squeezed tightly on her bare buttocks making her gasp.

I chuckled to myself as I felt her enjoy my touch. The feel of my skin on hers took my breath away, it was too much.

She pulled on my shirt. Bringing me down over her so she was on her back.

My hands went from around her ass to her hips curving every lump and bump.

Her hands were on my shirt trying to undo the buttons but due to her trembling hands, she was struggling. I helped her by undoing the rest of them and pulling the shirt off.

I looked up to see her looking at me and our eyes met.

She was so beautiful, her eyes were sparkling with lust.

I brought my hand up to her face as she curved into it.

Kissing her started up the passion once again. I pulled away from the robe she was wearing to see her amazing body. She looked so soft and pure, with her pale white skin, my eyes went from my hand on her ankle up to her body past her middle and by the time I got to her breasts I came out of breath and lent up... Kissing, sucking biting every part of them. Her breasts were perfect, not too big but not too small, perfect hand size I thought cupping them.

I don't know why I was doing this to myself, I was getting far too excited and my friend downstairs couldn't take anymore. But my hands and mouth had other things in mind. What made things hard, literally were the sounds, Leah was making. The heavenly sounds coming, sipping from her mouth drove me crazy and I couldn't help the huge grin on my face at the sounds of her moans.

I flipped her over on her back and stared down at her. Her face was red and her eyes were bright and big and her mouth... her lips were full and asking to be kissed. Like she could read my mind she brought her arms around my neck and pulled me down for a kiss.

My hands that were on her ankles, moving up to her mid-thighs and all I could think about was if I don't get inside her soon I may actually die. However, crud that sounds I don't care somehow, anyway I need to be in her, feeling her and being one. I pulled myself up to bring her legs with me as I spread them apart. I brought my hand down her highs squeezing her skin on the way, playing with her a little.

"...mmm Chris!" she said digging her nails into my back; I kind of liked it, a lot and the way she said my name. I wish she moaned it like that all the time, people may not but I won't care. Leah might.

Fun and games where over as I couldn't take it anymore. I reached her core and started moving my hand over her, rubbing her. I could feel her go tense and unmoving under me. I would have stopped, thinking that she wasn't enjoying it but the look on her face said differently. So I started moving my hand a little faster.

"Ahh...." She moaned "Chris..." she started to say just when I entered her with my fingers. From the feel of her, she was tight, very tight.

I felt like I was going to hurt her later on, knowing that my cock was much bigger than my fingers. Oh well, I would just have to do this for a bit longer till she gets used to my size. I always know that Leah wasn't that experienced with men but it was only now that I started asking how experienced she really was.

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