Chapter 28

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Chapter 28


I felt so cold walking away from Alex and Joseph from outside. My heart was beating like crazy and I couldn't stop it. I felt like I was going to be sick and all the people dancing and surrounding me wasn't helping. I needed to get out of here, now!

I ran into the toilets to try and pull myself together.

But how could I do that?

Tonight I'd kissed my boss and then ran into the guy that's haunted my dreams for five years.

Tonight hasn't been the best of nights. Even if that kiss before was the best kiss of my life.

I looked up into the mirror and saw how white my face was and my eyes were all bloodshot and teary. Looking at my reflection in the mirror I only noticed then that I was crying.

"Stop begins stupid" I said aloud to myself in the empty toilets. Well what I thought was empty.

"Leah?" a voice asked from one of the toilets making me jump. I turned around to see Kate. "What's wrong?" she asked moving over to me.

I had every intension to pull myself together then and tell her nothing was wrong. But something happened to me right then and I couldn't stop myself from bursting out into tears. She pulled me into a hug as I just stood there crying on her shoulder.

A girl I had only just met but felt so close too.

We stood there like that for I don't know how long when I heard the door open. We both looked around to see Gemma and Lilly walking in laughing until they saw my face and then frowned.

"God, Leah. What's wrong?" Gemma said walking over to me. "What's wrong with her?" she asked Kate who just shrugged her shoulders.

"I'm... I'm f...fine. I'm j...just being sill...silly" I tried to say but felt the lump in the back of my throat getting bigger.

"Hey, it's ok. It's it your family? A guy..." Gemma said rubbing my back

"... or a girl?" Lilly said making me laugh and Gemma giving her a glare.

"No it's not a girl. It's just everything, seeing my family again after so long... and just everything I guess. It's all hard. I just want to leave this place after tomorrow" I said. I didn't lie just didn't tell them everything, about me and Chris.

"No!" all the girls said at once

"I know, Chris told us about your family and what happened. I'm so sorry Leah"

"So you don't believe what they said about me?" I asked wiping my face with the tissue that Kate passed me.

"I don't believe anything that comes out of Jessica mouth or her evil friends, Leah" Lilly said

"Hey I've got a good idea. Me and Lilly were just talking about going to the little town that's about twenty minutes away tomorrow in the morning. I know it's your Granddads birthday but would you like to come with us... and you Kate"

"Yeah that sounds great. I think Granddads busy all morning anyway" I said and Kate just nodded smiling.

"Great I need to get some... things in one of the shops but there are some boutiques in the town. Have you got something to wear tomorrow night?" she asked me and Kate who nodded but I was in deep thought. I did bring a dress but nothing as grand as what everyone else would be wearing.

"I do but it wouldn't hurt to look" I said.

"Great so tomorrow will be a girly day. We should go shopping and then we should all get ready together for tonight. Cocktails, dancing and maybe a little gambling, it will be fun" Lilly said.

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