Chapter 14

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Chapter 14


I walked back to my room with a smile on my face the whole way.

I had so much fun with Chris' family. They were funny and so caring. Even Chris had relaxed and started being his self around me. This is what he was like sometimes at work and it was in those moments that I fell in love with him.

When he was himself he was the nicest sweetest guy in the world. I remember I came into work one day, not having the best of mornings and he spent the whole day making me laugh, cheering me up. He bought me in a cup of tea and everything.

I loved him for that, not having to ask what's wrong but just knowing that all I needed was to laugh. That's another thing I love about Chris he wasn't just all work no play, actually his problem was it was too much play.

He knew how to live and what was important in life. That you shouldn't have to live, thinking that money was the most important thing.

Maybe because he has loads of money he would think that but still I think that if he had to he'd give it all away, as long as he had his family.

I was jealous that there were families like that. Families that loved each other it didn't matter what you say nor do they will always love you...

Maybe it was just me.

Maybe I was just too much for my family, too different. I mean they seem to be getting along pretty well without me. Maybe I'm just incapable of being in a family. I always seemed to mess it up.

I shook off the thought, not wanting to think about it anymore.

I started getting ready for the party. It was only meant to be a little welcome BBQ that the club had organised but I still found myself pulling my hair out trying to find what to wear.

I had brought a lot of clothes but most of them were far too casual for this kind of thing.

Even if it was just a BBQ these kinds of people that never wear the same thing twice and never ware something that wasn't designer.

Enter me, with my cheap summer dress from H&M.

I looked at the wardrobe were I put all my clothes and didn't know what to wear!

I grab one of the summer dresses, a white jumper and some wedges. That will do.

I loved this dress, it what a satin, tea dress, in the style of the famous Marilyn Monroe dress but instead of white, it was a sky blue and went to the floor.

I put the dress on and put my hair up in that stylise sweeped up look with little bits coming down. It had that messy look to it but was meant to be like that. As soon as I was happy with it I pulled on my wooden wedges and jumper and through on some beads.

I looked at myself in the mirror thinking 'this is the best it's gonna get' before laughing at myself and walking out of my room before grabbing my bag.

I walked down the stairs and just tried walking around looking at all the people that were now here. If you've ever seen the movie 'Pretty Woman', when she goes to the polo game and everyone was wearing famous dresses with large sun hats and the men all wear cream Ralph Lauren trousers that were far too tight and polo shirts.

That was exactly what this place looked like.

Everyone looked the same and I was like Julia Roberts in that film and feeling completely out of place. But I wasn't a hooker and I didn't have my Richare Gere.

Walking into different rooms in the hotel I saw a couple of people look my way but I just walked on trying not to care. I walked outside, overlooking the Italian style garden. The garden was based on a hillside, terracing the garden until it hits the beautiful shinnying blue lake. I walked down the two flights of steps to then be faced with the amazing fountain with large Greek statuaries around the garden and on top of the fountain.

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